The wedding went well. I was "gorjes" (quote seri's word). Cewah. Bole tak puji diri sendri. Hahahaha.
Anyway, it all went well, almost. The cake was disaster OK. Hahha. I ordered a 3 tier cake, but the top tier fell down in a splat. I only knew about it after the wedding, though I had my suspicion semasa upacara memotong kek ituh. Tapi time tu, you can't sweat the little thing la kan. Kang muka bride macam Bride of Frakenstein pulak.
Ni gamba kek yang time die tengah disaster. Kesian tul. Rugi taw. But my sis proceeded to repair the kek with bunga. Haih. Rase nanti lenkali balik JB macam nak komplen je kat kedai tu. My mom cakap patutnye bawak gi kedai kek yang jatuh tu, saying that your support thingies doesn't work nak ganti. Huhuhu. Takpeler. Mende dah lepas, my auntie pon sponsor cake. (Mesti my auntie hangin je). See the below for the cakes disaster chronology.
These cake pics are sponsored by my 2 pupu yang manyak menolong masa wedding
Anyway, it all went well, almost. The cake was disaster OK. Hahha. I ordered a 3 tier cake, but the top tier fell down in a splat. I only knew about it after the wedding, though I had my suspicion semasa upacara memotong kek ituh. Tapi time tu, you can't sweat the little thing la kan. Kang muka bride macam Bride of Frakenstein pulak.
Ni gamba kek yang time die tengah disaster. Kesian tul. Rugi taw. But my sis proceeded to repair the kek with bunga. Haih. Rase nanti lenkali balik JB macam nak komplen je kat kedai tu. My mom cakap patutnye bawak gi kedai kek yang jatuh tu, saying that your support thingies doesn't work nak ganti. Huhuhu. Takpeler. Mende dah lepas, my auntie pon sponsor cake. (Mesti my auntie hangin je). See the below for the cakes disaster chronology.
These cake pics are sponsored by my 2 pupu yang manyak menolong masa wedding

Anyway, wanting to say thank you for all who came and also those gives 'berkat' (pressies) to my family and us. We appreciate those especially yang jauh from KL, Nilai dan tang mana2 lagi la that came for our kenduri and shared in our joy on that special day (Macam ayat dalam Hallmark kad pulak.)
Thanks also especially to Sheema kerna menjadi pengapit dengan jayanyer. Hahaha. Also kepada Rani jua.
Yang lain-lain tu thanks banyak2 la kan, for the wonderful pictures, your presence, your well wishes, lambaian2 yang menggelakkan aku (I was not a graceful bride), dan segala pertolongan yang dihulur.
Thanks again. Also sorry if there is any kekurangan semasa majlis. Hope you guys had a nice time.
Okeh. Ucapan terima kasih dah habis. Kena buat kerja dan kira annual leave. Anyway, I like this pic. Credit to Iyayy.
Thanks also especially to Sheema kerna menjadi pengapit dengan jayanyer. Hahaha. Also kepada Rani jua.
Yang lain-lain tu thanks banyak2 la kan, for the wonderful pictures, your presence, your well wishes, lambaian2 yang menggelakkan aku (I was not a graceful bride), dan segala pertolongan yang dihulur.
Thanks again. Also sorry if there is any kekurangan semasa majlis. Hope you guys had a nice time.
Okeh. Ucapan terima kasih dah habis. Kena buat kerja dan kira annual leave. Anyway, I like this pic. Credit to Iyayy.

Meh letak my second favorite pic from Iyayy, featuring the bridegroom (kasik previu sikit bridegroom, kesian terlupa). Thanks Iyayy! (walaupon ko tak baca belog aku)

amacam kawen?
Ehem. Ok jugak la. Haha.
Memang tak sesuwai la gamba tersipu2. Rase macam pelik. Hahaha.
Hehehe. Thanks!
Stunning! too bad i didn't get the chance to be there.
Except this is only for 1 day and for a wedding day. Not for partei! Hehe... too bad you are not there. JB best for photography :P
Hehe.. ade ade.. tu la.. bridegroom sendri tanye. Jab gi tambah edit cikit. Hahaha..
sorry cant be there due to my own JB trip.. ehem ehem
man.. now i really nak kawin juge!
anyway anda adalah sgt shanteks. mana lg pic kawen?!!