So my fiance went to Miri for a couple a days, so I was being given temporary custodial right for our kitten.
However I totally phailed at the job as she is now at a vet under observation as she fell from the first floor to the ground floor. I was playing with her and stopped for a while. Before this she was playing around, running around madly at the first floor near the stairs. Then she stood still for a while in front of my sister's door. I took a step toward her and guess that she took it as a sign that playtime start again she went around running madly that she didn't realize the gap near the stairs and fell right through.
Oh, oh, oh. My heart breaks even remembering that horrific sight now. My brother called out "Kucing kau jatuh! Tengkuk die macam patah" (Your cat fell. Her neck looks like broken). I rushed downstairs and found her writhing around in pain, her neck looks stiff and kinda twisted. I was in sobs. I took her upstairs and lie her on top of me. She somehow twist back her neck and still yowling painfully. Then I took her back to my room and call a vet. He told me what to do and I rubbed her with gamat and bundled her up in towel and kain batik. For a while, I was just staring at this tiny wisp of a kitten fearing that she would die right in front of me.
Somehow she just lie there so still that I keep on checking if she was still breathing. She make a sudden movement once in a while, but it is apparent all she wants to do is lie still. I guess I was in tears so much that my sister persuaded my brother in law to give me a ride and brought her to a 24 hour vet. Where she is still there now :(
She had been given X Ray and blood test and so far things had been good. But not better. Her movement is still shaky, she is so stressed out that things had not improve and we are fearing she might have some spinal injury that may cause her hind leg to not function properly and the doctor tell me with all her serious face "If that happens, the prognosis is not good". My heart dropped further.
I am so so so sad. Perhaps not many people understand why anyone would pay so much or worry so much about a pet, and I only have her for a couple of weeks. But she is so precious and lovable. She feels like family :(
Ok. I am even in tears writing this post. My fiance is not so much :P He said it is weird to see me yang hati so kental to cry. Gah! What do men knows. Hahaha. (Tah2 die pon nangis ok... )
Anyway let's hope she gets better aight! Pray for her and cross your fingers! We will be going to the vet later on to see her again.

Oh and her name is Fasha Sandha. Hahaha.
However I totally phailed at the job as she is now at a vet under observation as she fell from the first floor to the ground floor. I was playing with her and stopped for a while. Before this she was playing around, running around madly at the first floor near the stairs. Then she stood still for a while in front of my sister's door. I took a step toward her and guess that she took it as a sign that playtime start again she went around running madly that she didn't realize the gap near the stairs and fell right through.
Oh, oh, oh. My heart breaks even remembering that horrific sight now. My brother called out "Kucing kau jatuh! Tengkuk die macam patah" (Your cat fell. Her neck looks like broken). I rushed downstairs and found her writhing around in pain, her neck looks stiff and kinda twisted. I was in sobs. I took her upstairs and lie her on top of me. She somehow twist back her neck and still yowling painfully. Then I took her back to my room and call a vet. He told me what to do and I rubbed her with gamat and bundled her up in towel and kain batik. For a while, I was just staring at this tiny wisp of a kitten fearing that she would die right in front of me.
Somehow she just lie there so still that I keep on checking if she was still breathing. She make a sudden movement once in a while, but it is apparent all she wants to do is lie still. I guess I was in tears so much that my sister persuaded my brother in law to give me a ride and brought her to a 24 hour vet. Where she is still there now :(
She had been given X Ray and blood test and so far things had been good. But not better. Her movement is still shaky, she is so stressed out that things had not improve and we are fearing she might have some spinal injury that may cause her hind leg to not function properly and the doctor tell me with all her serious face "If that happens, the prognosis is not good". My heart dropped further.
I am so so so sad. Perhaps not many people understand why anyone would pay so much or worry so much about a pet, and I only have her for a couple of weeks. But she is so precious and lovable. She feels like family :(
Ok. I am even in tears writing this post. My fiance is not so much :P He said it is weird to see me yang hati so kental to cry. Gah! What do men knows. Hahaha. (Tah2 die pon nangis ok... )
Anyway let's hope she gets better aight! Pray for her and cross your fingers! We will be going to the vet later on to see her again.

Oh and her name is Fasha Sandha. Hahaha.
ur put that cute and lovable kitten name FASHA SANDHAAAA!
i cry for days when my Jojo died at the hand of a vet that suppose to take care of her during my wedding..sadly my jojo died along with her 3 kitten.
cause of death::tak di beri makan and stres duk dalam cage kat vet tu..
i name ur kitten Jijo..
i dont care.hahahaha.
Hahha.. My sister la letak nama tu. Dah lekat. Fasha kite org panggey. Hahaha... Sbb die gedik macam tu jugak. Hahahaha.. Siap Fasha Sandha the real thing ngamuk kalo baca ni.
Ah. Our humane way of getting rid of a cat. Dropping them off at a market. Which is actually better than what some did to their cat as fish nye gut orang siang buang tak de la go to waste. Huhu...
I got loads of cats too when I was little that my mom campak at market. Huhu..
the kitten is much more cuter than the real FASHA SANDAH ok!
neway, hope she will get better soon. boleh lah kawan dgn kitorg punye baby boy, ginger breadman!
i always want to name the house cat CATSO. i love it. its like FATSO or CALYPSO or BAKSO. tapi my adik beradik tak bagi
apalah nama macam cacat...
Huhu..All better now. Mmg die lg cute dr Fasha Sandha. Gingerbread man? Tadek pic kaa???
effi & dila:
CATSO is an excellent name. You can always call the CATSO regardless what other called em eh.
Tapi fasha sandha? What the fish! haha
Hahaha... Bole la tu Fasha Sandha.