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Showing posts from May, 2008

Randomly I told you

It seems like Jannah had tagged me again. That's fine Jannah. I will think of it as.... tagging is caring. LOL. But she also make a special request ( 8 random facts about planning the ultimate wedding day? ). Haha. I believed this request is being done to torment me . I kid. The Rules : 1. Each blogger must post these rules first. 2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog. Fact 1: Whenever anyone asked me on my preparation for my wedding... I feel an onslaught of a panic attack. I need to breathe deeply ... then I answered. Fact 2: I believe in a simple wedding. Simple food for consumption. A simple decoration. A simple dress. Basically it is just simple...

Thou art the moon

You are The Moon Hope, expectation, Bright promises. The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window. The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition. What Tarot Card are You? Take th...

It sounds like a good idea but...

I can give no reason as the above title is vague as hell. Still awake. Fingers tapping in rythmn with Radiohead "Karma Police". My mind is in turmoil. The turmoil? Oh, dear blog. No question asked, no lies given. Kinda disappointed on how the Season Finale of Greys turned out. I mean all these blogs and sites promised of this "Big Kiss". Gah! I saw it happening for all of the couple. I even kinda anticipated the kiss George have with Lexie. Though my imagination is more long drawn and more creative and in line with the Greys tradition... but hey! (and let's not get off track here) I did anticipated it. So nope, not surprise. Nor any of em is really big or make my insides all in knots... but the scene with Alex and Izzie is gut wrenching. And that scene... my insides goes all in knots. Tho I did anticipate that too. What's the point of this post again? Oh. Yeah. Mind in turmoil and Radiohead cranked up high for my own personal emo time (That's how I ...

Dils Version of E-News Update

Am still incredibly bum out on the cancellation of Moonlight. Sobs. Just watched eps 10 of Reaper. Agreed. It is getting better. Season Finale of Grey's looked promising. Nice to see a change of pace for that irritating Meredith is a wreck plotline. Heard some of the songs from the new album "Narrow Stairs" by Death Cab for Cutie . Currently loving 'Bend to Squares". Still unsure on the album and the rest of the songs. Watched a video of James McAvoy acceptance speech. I almost squeal out loud in the office like a little girl receiving pony for birthday hearing that lovely lilting Scot accent. Which brought me to this amazing poster of Angelina Jolie for the movie Wanted . Can't wait for this movie. If anyone can convince me to have some lady love... Angelina Jolie would be it. There is no decent poster of James McAvoy for Wanted. Gah! How can this be! So puny, one! I demand better view of him than that! Wait... I still haven't watch The Other Boleyn Girl...

Wicked enough

Finally, I had finish reading Wicked (The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of West) by Gregory Maguire. Not the usual book cover, but the cover for the musical and also for my book. I do love this poster/cover, the way the lip curl upwards like a sardonic smile. Love the first part(well the book had a lot of parts and chapters ).Well not exactly the first part. More like the early middle... the stories on how the Wicked Witch Elphaba and Galinda met at their university campus and how they become friends. I believe that is the only light part of the book (and maybe the only part of the book which I can pretty much relate to). I guess I like it because it have so much potentiality. Afterwards... the stories got darker... and more twisted. It felt like a political uprising goes wrong. And I don't like Elphaba at all. She is perverse (even in her justification to make things right). But perhaps the author do not want to make Elphaba as misrepresented. More like to understand why she...

There are some things that are better off only on the screens

One of em is being a mean bitch to another person. We all love a good bitch. They translated deliciously on the screen and let's face it. We also secretly aspire to be one, like the girls in Mean Girls and Gossip Girl. Making clever snide hurtful remarks and dishing a good cold revenge served on a cold silver platter. However that prude called "conscience" always win. I will admit I am kinda a bitch myself. I was sometimes part of the group, that made fun of that weird girl that won't shut up about how awesome things are. I used to tell myself that I let a certain 'fight' happened between 2 girls because I accidentally let a certain information slipped. However if I looked hard into myself, I know that it is just because I hated that girl and just like to see 'fireworks' happened for my own enjoyment. I knew perfectly well of the consequences. Ooohh I was a spiteful little thing. But as I grew older, I like to think that I learned better. I am appropri...

Who's Saved...

I am that lazy in updating. This is the 3rd time that I opened my blogger thingies and came up with nada. So as usual... Random Rambling y'all! Even my random ramblings seems to me ... quite hard to type. Thanks to Celes/Soraya I am now well aware that P Ramlee the Musical is now on. Yeay! So girls.. (you know who you are). I am single next month (I think) ... so mari-mari lah dating2 tengok musical. I think it had been so long since I saw a stage play/musical. I am running out of things to write criticize about in this blog. I am currently listening in to Blake Lively interview. I love Gossip Girl. It is such a pleasure! And I am not guilty about it. And am so excited that Blake Lively and Penn Bandgley are an off screen couple too (even though they bored me to death on screen. But they are cutes sometimes... have to give em that. Especially the eps Hi, Society) What I am bummed about is my favorite guilty pleasure Moonlight is getting the axe. NoOOOoooOOOOooOOOOoo!!!!! I love t...


During the weekend, I was seized by a sudden attack to clean up my room. (Actually the girls were coming and the house is in a mess) Hahaha. So from just wanting to bare-sweep the whole necessary surface and putting back a heaped piles of clothes into a respectable pile, it turned to upturning furnitures and moving boxes, stuffed lambs and bears and books and the many many bags out of the room to attack the dust bunnies. I am so buying surgical masks next time I am seize with this rare spring cleaning bout. Anyway.. the spring cleaning is not that complete. As I am continuously distracted by many lost and found items in my rooms.(There are loads of thing that need to be buang and bills and important documents need to be labeled and simpan correctly which I simply got too malas after all that cleaning up ceased. And the house is still in a mess as I simply did not have time and of course too lazy to continue the bout of cleaning everywhere else). Seems like I have a lot of ... things. ...

Girls Weekend Out + 1 Bodyguard

Whoa! I felt like it had been a long time since I keep this updated. So I am back. After a not so long holiday and a busy week at the office. I am still busy. Ni tengah sembunyi2 tulis blog ni. Went to K. Terengganu the last weekend with the usual girls. The bodyguard ituh adalah husband Sheema yang datang from Kelantan to join us at Terengganu. The plan was for shopping and suntanning. Yeah right. *snickers* Like I am going to tan myself. Nope. The plan was for berendam di dalam air macam badak. But it was a joyous weekend all around, because for the first time, sampai jugak di rumah Lini after planning it years after years. Now let me list the thing we did, pick it off from my head. Shopping We went shopping. (Duh!) That is actually one of the main reason mahu ke Terengganu. I bought songket(s) and a little something for the family and family-to-be. Also keropok ikan parang mesti jua in the must buy list as been reminded by my mom again and again. The others, well... I don't real...
