It seems like Jannah had tagged me again. That's fine Jannah. I will think of it as.... tagging is caring. LOL. But she also make a special request ( 8 random facts about planning the ultimate wedding day? ). Haha. I believed this request is being done to torment me . I kid. The Rules : 1. Each blogger must post these rules first. 2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog. Fact 1: Whenever anyone asked me on my preparation for my wedding... I feel an onslaught of a panic attack. I need to breathe deeply ... then I answered. Fact 2: I believe in a simple wedding. Simple food for consumption. A simple decoration. A simple dress. Basically it is just simple...
to Frets and Stuffs