My favorite cheap book stores stop before this was Payless. Pretty cheap, however the books are usually kinda dated. Not saying that old authors are not great.
But kenkadang you also want to join in the hype of reading a new book right. Like.... all of them are talking about this book so I want to read that too but I already buy loads of clothes, shoes and foods thus I cannot afford to dole out RM30++ for books.
I heard about the Book Xcess from some people in the blogosphere in Amcorp Mall. Its too way out for me. Manage to drop by to see if the books are really cheap last weekend (since I really really want to read Phillipa Gregory; The Other Boleyn Girl) ... and true to form, I bought 2 books for my ever expanding collections. ( ok lah tuh 2)
But kenkadang you also want to join in the hype of reading a new book right. Like.... all of them are talking about this book so I want to read that too but I already buy loads of clothes, shoes and foods thus I cannot afford to dole out RM30++ for books.
I heard about the Book Xcess from some people in the blogosphere in Amcorp Mall. Its too way out for me. Manage to drop by to see if the books are really cheap last weekend (since I really really want to read Phillipa Gregory; The Other Boleyn Girl) ... and true to form, I bought 2 books for my ever expanding collections. ( ok lah tuh 2)

So it cost all together less than RM30 for 2 books rather than I bought one at the usual price for RM34. Heeee. Happy!
I guess if there is a book I really want to check out and its quite new, I have a comparatively cheaper place to go to. Yeay! If I somehow manage to go all the way there again.
Though I did a little once over and could not find Neil Gaiman books and not too much Sophie Kinsella titles. But I maybe wrong. The website provided a list of books that they had in stock (which I occasionally browse if I think I may need to drop down around PJ again). The counter were hogged by customers which was a good sign for the owners but I did nigglingly wished that they move somewhere else (or at least ke tepi sikit) as so I can pay quickly.
But its just a minor annoyance and the staff there is very friendly, which melt my brittle annoyance a bit.
So I got my all my book raiding place straight now.
I guess if there is a book I really want to check out and its quite new, I have a comparatively cheaper place to go to. Yeay! If I somehow manage to go all the way there again.
Though I did a little once over and could not find Neil Gaiman books and not too much Sophie Kinsella titles. But I maybe wrong. The website provided a list of books that they had in stock (which I occasionally browse if I think I may need to drop down around PJ again). The counter were hogged by customers which was a good sign for the owners but I did nigglingly wished that they move somewhere else (or at least ke tepi sikit) as so I can pay quickly.
But its just a minor annoyance and the staff there is very friendly, which melt my brittle annoyance a bit.
So I got my all my book raiding place straight now.
Old books, want to buy = Payless
Feeling cheap, want to try out a particular author and do not want to buy at all = Rent-a-book.
Feeling a tad cheap and want to buy/try a particular author that renting do not have = Xcess
Feeling kaya and really want to buy a book, a must have book, no where else does the book can be found = Everywhere else.
Buffycomics graphic novels = A little mamak magazine shop at Ampang point. Very cheap lor! Have to wait a while la tapi.
Feeling cheap, want to try out a particular author and do not want to buy at all = Rent-a-book.
Feeling a tad cheap and want to buy/try a particular author that renting do not have = Xcess
Feeling kaya and really want to buy a book, a must have book, no where else does the book can be found = Everywhere else.
do they have a pile of Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy lying about in the shop. i need to complete my Jack Ryan and Jason Bourne collection. As much as i like the movies the books are much much mucho grande latte better!!
boleyn girl. how is it. good ke? not even the presence of Johansson and Portman can make me watch the movie. Period books/movies mmg tak minat sangat. last period book i read was........ ummm....uh... The Prince by Voltaire. Yeah ..well unless you call world war II biographical books as "period books"
having said that i grabbed The LOrd of The Rings : Return of The King double disc DVD today. only 39 bucks. its not the extended one but who cares. there are still 7 hours worth of crap in these 2 dvds. will watch it straight after commenting here. wooo!! next month beli Two towers pulak.
I haven't read the book nor watch the movie yet. It takes too much of a time to come to Malaysia, prolly will torrent it. But will definitely watch the movies first before reading the book. At least I know how it will end, eh.
But I always like period piece. Esp of the lives of king and queens. Was fascinated by King Henry the 8th and his many wives dr dulu lagi.