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What fair?

People are all hyped up about MAS travel fair and MATTA and airasia low price promos.

Gah. When did travelling become so popular ?

Now everyone can fly? Bullshit. It make travelling look so passe. (Padahal jeles sebab tak bole pegi). I can't make it to any travel fair since I am saving my money for my wedding.... (its not even a big wedding ok... wedding business mencekik darah) and my fiance is being petulant whenever I mentioned any travel package. Pegi sensorang honeymoon kang.. padan muka! Come to think of it, I still haven't manage to accomplish my wish list to travel alone.

Hurmmm. This gives me an idea which I will not voice out, since I had before voice this out and I was being lectured by my sis and my mom and whoever . Eh... I am not flaky ok that I can easily be persuaded to join a cartel of illegal prostitutions . Ok. Not flaky sometimes... However, not to take the risk lightly, in a side note... it is a great responsibility to yourself if you want to travel alone and if you do prepare yourself greatly. Tapi macam menarik kan. Nak buat jugak la satu hari. Jeng jeng jeng.

So anyway since everybody and anybody I know want to travel this year... this year I declared to myself is tahun mencari hobi dan jalan2 di sekitar KL and JB year. Go to places never seen before! Shop at places never been thought of before! (Shopping pon kena limit) Stay at places that people usually just passes by! Yeay! I declared that flying everywhere is passe and I will join it again when price is rocket high. Cewah. (Hish.. kata2 itu adalah doa.. biarla bile aku nak travel... murah lagi..)

Anyway, at first I was going to start my post about where I had gone to and travel to... but that post is too snobbish and pretentious that even I would gag at myself if I read that kinda post. So let's not torture everybody and let me be snobbish and pretentious whenever I am talking only k.

So kita start next week dengan kembali ke KLCC. Yeay! Gile tak adventurous.


Taqiyuddin said…
gah, maybe the price WILL be rocket high, as crude oil price have reached usd100 per barrel.
but maybe even then, you could afford it! yeah! kata kata itu doa.
Lady Gargle said…
Ppl at my office are taking days off just to check out the fair. Me? I'll be lucky to even get 1 day off.
Dils said…
Let's lets! Hope I can afford it.. or at least.. travel for free!

Some people have lots of holiday time to waste. Well prolly you'll get luckier and get several days off for a quick hols getaway.
Anonymous said…
haha. why am i thinking thailand when illegal prostitution come into the picture?? :P

lemme guess... ideas that u dont voice out is : travelling to thailand, alone? :D
Jannah said…
"Eh... I am not flaky ok that I can easily be persuaded to join a cartel of illegal prostitutions."

Ada health care benefit that this cartel?

Huhu. I don't even have a passport. Nanti nak lari ke UK. But kena kumpul duit dulu. Nak stand inside Anfield and sing the anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone."

Selamat jalan2 KL. Don't forget singgah CM beli souvenir. You could pretend you're a tourist from Singapore. Baru dapat feel traveling alone?
Jannah said…
P/s You've been tagged by moi. Feel free to response or not to this okay :)
Dils said…
Hehe.. because people usually associate prostitution with Thailand. However a lot of poor countries suffered from this too, so it is everywhere. Heh. But no, the place that I want to go to is not Thailand.

Some even include vacations day as far as Cayman Island. If you are 'skilled' or 'beautiful' enough.

Even I shudder at the price at CM. Takper... souvenir as in clothes? Heh. Hell.. that's the usual thing I bought if I were to go to overseas pon.

Ah.. start working nanti, a lil bit of cash.. UK is possible.. possibly not with Air Asia. Dengan MAS pon rase nak separuh mati.
Fadhil Luqman said…
You should! I wanna.
Dils said…
You should too. Quickly
matta fair? MEH!
cheap fair? MEH!

i'm a pc fair geek. go to PC fair to buy stuffs that will further keep my butt rooted in front of my double screen PC! haha. i feel sad for my future wife. she will be bored as hell. weekends will be me on the sofa just doing a Garfield.thats not moving much but being annoying as hell

but if one thing can persuade me to go berjalan-jalan is EGYPT or ROME. always want to do the valley of the kings and the vatican. yeah.. so un islamic of me kan? BLERGH!! i once told a person about this dream vacations. all i get is snide "pegi la mekah dulu".. aiyooooooo
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Dils said…
Haha... org2 yg slalu ckp about sepatutnye tunai ke haji or whatever... adalah sume jelesssss.

Padahal kalo ade tiket free ke mana... die org la yg berlari2 amik dulu


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