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Idiots and Taggage

Double post today. Just because I got loads of comments on my last post. Hah! Tipu je. Just that I feel like it.

For the first part, this is mostly ranting.

Kejab. Nak summon balik perasaan marah. Ok. Now. Does most Mercedes or BMW drivers are retarded?

You know, I don't usually rant on KL drivers as I am pretty sucky too at times. However a hint of common sense are needed when driving of course.

If you want to memotong time turun bukit, make sure that it is not near a bend and there is not a car in front of you. I had to slam down my brake and drove close to a curb, risking a collision myself as so your sorry ass of a Mercedes or god damn BMW (I was too pissed to notice, but it was either of those) would not wrap around the taxi that was on the opposite side of the road or hitting me just as so you are able to potong my car.

Are you stupid? Kereta besar to make up for your small brain ka? Laju2 turun bukit pon tarak guna kan since depan simpang tu dah jam packed. Dapat potong pon satu kete je which is driving quite fast turun bukit yang agak simpang siur. Tunggu je la belakang, asshole.

It is your lucky day that the taxi is not that fast and I swerved to the curb as so to save your worthless ass. Nanti yang susah sape? Your bini and anak jugak kan. Meraung over your mangled body. Or worse, hitting others and cause other people (moi! moi!) bodily harm. Gah! Siap la kau WNN 97** (i think) , if I see lain kali your car at Giant ka... mamak ka... (Grrrrr....).

Fuh fuh. Ugh. Geram for other people lack of respect of basic road safety. If you are late, it is your fault. Nak potong jalan, do it responsibly. Jangan susahkan orang lain and don't bring unnecessary risk to yourself and others around you.

Sama jugak macam the selfish drivers yang guna emergency lane ni. Fine, you are in a hurry. Ape ko ingat aku drive pagi2 time jam2 ni nak amik angin? Suke2 abeskan minyak? Tunggu blakang la. I skang also ikut Gohan and others nowadays, that when I drive at the left side of the road, (tmpt yang prone org potong cara hagham) will position my car tengah2 line. Padan muka sume beratur blakang aku. I noticed if they potong on the emergency lane, lagi lembap jadinye.

Fuh fuh..

Now the second part, am doing the tag from Jannah and link 5 more to you unlucky 5 out there (5 ni je pon usually baca :) . Usually, people that I link tu mesti tak wat. Ikut suke. Aku link aje ok.

The Linking Tag Rules

1. List out five favourite links - the links can be of business sites, affiliate links or whatever that suits the blogger.

2. Tag five more people to share their links, so hopefully, at the end of the tag, we would be able to share good links with each other.

3. The links MUST be clean. No X-rated sites.

4. List out only FIVE links.

5. You MUST tell FIVE people you choose.

6. Provide the link back to the person who tagged you.

7. Obviously, it should be an active link.

Moi 5 Favorite Links...

1. As like Jannah, I usually start my day with my own blog too. Yeay, we are egotistical that way. Want to gaze at own post first. Heh. But the link that you see on the sidebar of my blog, most I visit daily.

2. My almost daily read is also E! Online to get the latest rumours or spoilers or update on my favorite series. Especially Watch with Kristin. (Not cheating as this is the sub-link!) Tapi selalu hang (kalo bandwidth rendah). A lot of vids.

3. I also have to get the daily gossip of Britney, Paris, Angie and such from Trent blog! I love his blog as it is gossip-full without being too mean like Perez. Trent taste in movies and books almost similar to mine, so I am always interested what his opinions are for particular books or movies, or what new books and movies are coming out! He loves Neil Gaiman too!

4. If I am feeling particularly read-iey, I will head to Television Without Pity to read their recaps. I love the forums and the recap. Some recap just have the right sense of snark and humour in such as Potes, Drunken Bee, Sars, Al Lowe.... Whil some of the recappers can drone on and on going completely of the point altogether like one exasperating recapper Jacob. Heh. However I do love reading the Gossip Girl recap too, even if the recapper have a tendency to psychoanalyze the characters a bit too much.

5. Now... the number 5 is approaching. I am a bit torn on either 2 links. However as my favorite link is a search engine, mind you it is not Google, then I will present my final favorite link which is BabyBlues cartoons. If I am feeling particularly blue, or bored or in need of a cuteness inserted in my life, I head down to their cartoon strip site. Zoey, Hammie and Wren is just too cute.

Hmmm. Most of the link I mentioned above are at the sidebar of my blog. Easier to reference. And I noticed many of the sites are gossip related or TV related. Hahaha. Who cares lor.

5 people to tag.

Geeez. I don't know. Well I will just list randomly eh.

Here goes:

1. SeriAs. Sebab. Buat la weh. Haha. Aku nak tengok. Ape lagi ko wat kat internet ni.

2. Taqi. Hoping he will give me an idea which kewl site that may opened the fantasy world.

3. Effi. Because prolly he'll loathe this.

4. Re-arrange. Sebab adek boleh aje dipersuade untuk memberitahu akak ini ape lagi yang ada di Internet world other than gossip world.

5. Some. Haa haa. Ape lagi yang dibukak at the WWW other than youtube and streaming anime yee?


YEAH.. I loathe tagging. HEHEH.. hehe..

wow so marah. i think luxury car driver have to drive to car as way to sustain their foolish life. those car are nearly death proof. especially BMW. multiple airbags and all.

since i wont be tagging the thing on me blog i might as well write it here!

1. football365 - proper lads footie web.plenty of pisstake and laddish humour

2.perezhilton- gotta be in with the crowd. know the pop culture and not too ketinggalan - getting my daily dose of government sponsored propaganda. - the writers in cracked reminds me of myself if i have am more of jackass and offensive.

5.your blog.. honestly. your are one of the few people who updates their blog. most on my link list pemalas one! HA HA HA
Dils said…
Big car usually big idiots kut. Usually the Mercedes, BMW and usual SUVs.

Surprised lor you read PerezHilton. Hehe... I have to look into the on whats it all about.

Hah. I wish more drivers would do this too.. blocked the way of the people who want to cut queue.

Taqi did this too? Gasp! Haha..
Taqiyuddin said…
What in God's earth am i doing giving comments at 5:50 am! Gasp! Horror!
Dils said…
Maybe you just don't give a damn to be aggressive so early in the morn anymore. Haha.

What are you doing up at 5.50 am? You drive out at 6 am ka?
Jannah said…

Thanks for doing the tag.

By the way, nuffnang ni is when you place ads from them in your blog. You have to register your blog address first then they will email you the details. Kena letak html code for the ad feed kat sidebar ke, atas blog ke, or in between blog post.

The return is slow a bit if you're not a serious blogger with hits by the thousands. But it's fun when you see the money coming in. Weh, dapat rm2.11 la this week. Cool.

I join for the hell of it. Plus from there can see the stat counters for your blog.

Enough advertising already :)


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