Can it be consider as fictionalize thoughts? Definitly fiction. Not thought of.... conciously. I got the weirdest dream last night. It was soo horrendously funny that I am smiling as I typed. Let's start from thebeginning shall we. I dreamt somehow my friends and I went to watch a movie. When we reached at the cinema complex, people are running out of there screaming. (My typical dream... yeah I have nightmare almost nightly and I really need to write down one particularly disturbing one. That's for later though). We were feeling curious and none of the screaming person felt like explaining anything. So we went in after all. It's all very blurry afterwards. People screaming. We were forcing our way in. The next thing I know, I was grabbed and taken somewhere. Then the cause unravel. It seems Marilyn Manson was behind it. LOL. He is divorce from his wife and so was feeling a tad bit lonely. So he felt like taking a new 'queen' (Evan Rachel Wood somehow do not exist i...
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