- Insanely tired and sleepy. Did I not say I have to work today? Pbbthhh to that!
- Hate people who takes MC inconsiderately. Even when I am sick, still have to work. The guy who is taking MC almost every other week seems to have not been reprimanded whatsoever. Yang kena marah is the people who won't replaced him. Biaskah ini? Worst. Boss. Ever.
- I am still angry with my boss inability to relay information regarding attendance but expect us to always keep updated when he wants to update things on his own time.
- *Whacked head on table repeatedly* due to forgetting extension for earphone or cable. No decent songs to hear to keep me awake.
- Really anticipating to watch Gossip Girl, once I got back home this morning.
- There is 5 hours and more to go so I can be released the torture I called
work and watch Gossip Girl. - Why am I using bullet points? It do not make sense.
- Am. Too. Tired. To. String. Together. Coherent. Sentences.
- Damn it. I do not have RM1 note for my bus fare. Am too poor to even afford public transportation.
- When is "I Am Legend" coming out?
- Keira Knightley is too thin. Methink she do not eat enough and is lying about her love for french fries.
- I still heart Keira Knightley.
- When will this night ever ends?
- Thinking of UTP days is bittersweet. Will it ever ends too?
- Oprah Book Club is overrated. Her taste do not coincide with mine.
- I love my pillows.
- I wonder why does the sheep cushion (bantal kecik) I am hugging state "Loveliness Tampon".
- My fiance is nice.
- Its nice to go lepaking with the girlfriends and pulling an all nighter last night. Its the last weekend with us as singles, before Shims can officially mark the box stated "Mrs" and looking all sage and wise being a married lady. *theehee*
- Am bored stiff playing Dynomite. But damn, if its not addicting.
- Stopping random ramblings now.
to Frets and Stuffs