What did I do last Saturday morning?
I bought these..

I bought these..
I read Suanie blog early Saturday morning when I was working, mentioning about the Pearson & Penguin Warehouse Book Sale at PJ. Since its a bit near from workplace, I decided to go after work with the fiance. The Warehouse book sale is quite big and it had a lot to offer for everybody. It came to a point that I was so tired (with not sleeping due to night shift) from scanning rows and rows of books that I had to just randomly stand at some spot in front of the table, take a breather and Tada! found what I was looking for.
All those above are what I bought. All around 16 or 17 books and spent almost RM200!! 3 of those 17 are my fiance's photography books. The book cost around RM10 - 15 and the hardcovers one usually at RM20. This is the most I ever spent on books at one go (excepting text books of course). A good bargain and I am not regretting it one bit. Very happy in fact. Early birthday present from moi to meself. Yeay!
The list is.... panjang. Malas plak nak type. But as you can see bought 2 Gaiman's work, got 2 of the Adrian Mole diaries series, manage to find one book that I had been searching for years and thrown in some Classic books to ease my guilt on buying those guilty pleasure chick lits. Wanted to get familiarize with Woolf works and try to see if I would like another work of Kazuo Ishiguro.
All those above are what I bought. All around 16 or 17 books and spent almost RM200!! 3 of those 17 are my fiance's photography books. The book cost around RM10 - 15 and the hardcovers one usually at RM20. This is the most I ever spent on books at one go (excepting text books of course). A good bargain and I am not regretting it one bit. Very happy in fact. Early birthday present from moi to meself. Yeay!
The list is.... panjang. Malas plak nak type. But as you can see bought 2 Gaiman's work, got 2 of the Adrian Mole diaries series, manage to find one book that I had been searching for years and thrown in some Classic books to ease my guilt on buying those guilty pleasure chick lits. Wanted to get familiarize with Woolf works and try to see if I would like another work of Kazuo Ishiguro.
There's a lot of chick lit (a lot of it from popular authors too) , and mystery/thriller too, Cromwell and Patterson, few of Clancy I see strewn about. However, I refrained from buying Patterson and Cromwell (except Women's Murder Club series) but I just couldn't resist that Predator book. A bit bummed tho that I can't find or they don't have Michael Crichton books.
You can still catch the Warehouse sale since it is there until 21st November. The address is Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Lot 2, Jalan 215, Off Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
I get giddy in trying to decide which books I want to read first. Yeay!
Oh, the weekend before this I went to another Warehouse Book Sale at Low Yat Plaza (next to it actually). Not as big as the Pearson one, the books are cheaper but most of it are those by unknown authors. Its get very dizzy and headachy in trying to find the books you want to buy in a Warehouse sale (since there is no such thing called organization), much less unknown books by unknown authors. So at the Low Yat one, I only bought 3 since it is just too tiring to read all those summary. The books I bought there are currently on my Currently Reading list and reading Deafening so far, it's quite good.
Will not have to spend on books for at least another 3 or 4 months. Reading galore ahead!
You can still catch the Warehouse sale since it is there until 21st November. The address is Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Lot 2, Jalan 215, Off Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
I get giddy in trying to decide which books I want to read first. Yeay!
Oh, the weekend before this I went to another Warehouse Book Sale at Low Yat Plaza (next to it actually). Not as big as the Pearson one, the books are cheaper but most of it are those by unknown authors. Its get very dizzy and headachy in trying to find the books you want to buy in a Warehouse sale (since there is no such thing called organization), much less unknown books by unknown authors. So at the Low Yat one, I only bought 3 since it is just too tiring to read all those summary. The books I bought there are currently on my Currently Reading list and reading Deafening so far, it's quite good.
Will not have to spend on books for at least another 3 or 4 months. Reading galore ahead!
nape la tau ms da ujung2 bulan. da tadek duit! wahhhh!!! T_T
so cheap. tapi pearson tu takde stock authors that i read
tiada duit jua. Thank God for credit card. Or not. Huhu.
They accept cr card if above rm50 of purchase.
hehe.. kalo murah camtuh, and if in the neighbourhood, ade aje 1 or 2 author you can pick up.
But warehouse sale ni kenkdg luck. This time Pearson ni byk gak author I read. Huhu.. but not so much Fantasy writers I notice there..