.... is amazing.
It is even better than the book or almost borderline there. The first time that I ever hailed a film as so... the movie is better than the book. (Tho reading Neil Gaiman interview, he might takes an issue with this statement) Wow. Let me gape at that statement for a while.
Seriously, its better than some of the fantasy flicks. There are some things that are off ( the pirate ship for instance, I'm not sure.. what is off.. but like it should be better).... but most are OK. Very tongue in cheek and not the conventional magical fairytale and rigid righteousness of most fantasy stories. But that's Neil Gaiman for you.
The intro kinda baffled me tho. What is it trying to narrate? What is the question? What is the answer? More like.. the point is? Skipped the 1 minute intro of bafflement, it was a joy to watch after.
The movie manage to turnaround the boring part of the book to the most delightful scenes in the movie. The climax of the movie is done nicely, as some critics pointed out, not as original (and the climax in the book differs with the movie), but at least its not as anti climactic as I expected. It even turned out nicely even if its as cliche as it could be.
Robert De Niro as the fabulously flamboyant sky ship pirate captain is fabulous. Claire Danes is rightly cast , she is simply luminous. I missed Claire Danes at the screen. I am still searching for Stage Beauty. The hero, Charlie Cox, ehem.. yummy. What is his age again as so I might not feel guilty? His IMDB is seriously lacking in resume. Act more as so I can salivate after you! (Which means, I had taken a peek of his IMDB and there is nothing to feel guilty of)
Come, come. Watch Stardust before it is gone from your cinema. I walked out smiling thinking that I want to buy the DVD. The original DVD. Ain't that something.
It is even better than the book or almost borderline there. The first time that I ever hailed a film as so... the movie is better than the book. (Tho reading Neil Gaiman interview, he might takes an issue with this statement) Wow. Let me gape at that statement for a while.
Seriously, its better than some of the fantasy flicks. There are some things that are off ( the pirate ship for instance, I'm not sure.. what is off.. but like it should be better).... but most are OK. Very tongue in cheek and not the conventional magical fairytale and rigid righteousness of most fantasy stories. But that's Neil Gaiman for you.
The intro kinda baffled me tho. What is it trying to narrate? What is the question? What is the answer? More like.. the point is? Skipped the 1 minute intro of bafflement, it was a joy to watch after.
The movie manage to turnaround the boring part of the book to the most delightful scenes in the movie. The climax of the movie is done nicely, as some critics pointed out, not as original (and the climax in the book differs with the movie), but at least its not as anti climactic as I expected. It even turned out nicely even if its as cliche as it could be.
Robert De Niro as the fabulously flamboyant sky ship pirate captain is fabulous. Claire Danes is rightly cast , she is simply luminous. I missed Claire Danes at the screen. I am still searching for Stage Beauty. The hero, Charlie Cox, ehem.. yummy. What is his age again as so I might not feel guilty? His IMDB is seriously lacking in resume. Act more as so I can salivate after you! (Which means, I had taken a peek of his IMDB and there is nothing to feel guilty of)
Come, come. Watch Stardust before it is gone from your cinema. I walked out smiling thinking that I want to buy the DVD. The original DVD. Ain't that something.
But it is a book that is great for movie.
i heard this movie was critically panned by the critics. only those who read the book would enjoy it they say. so i'm skipping it. maybe lepas dah baca buku baru layan
Anyway dlm buku xde Robert DeNiro, dlm filem ade... n watak die dlm StarDust mmg tangkap leleh... bukan sedey tp lawak... damn i havent seen that for a while...
Well maybe the evil witch shud be tortured more but then, ahh the movie was seriously superb...
That ship is cool laa Dila hahaha
Probably. But my fiance enjoyed it too. But i think if I didn't read it pon, I would enjoyed it.
Sandman must be hard to produce as a movie?
Dlm buku die ade, but name die bukan Captain Shakespeare I think. In book, he is more staid and gentlemanly.
This book is great too as an intro to Gaiman works. I am becoming addicted to his works now. Tengah collecting his works.. Mengingatkan aku untuk remind Gohan to bring American Gods on our next meeting.
I am still not into Graphic Novel yet tho.. too mahal..
Kenkdg critics ni tight ass skit. (haha betul ke expression tu).. prasan bagus. Take it with a pinch of salt. Like reading MSN critics, mostly agree, sometimes tak. Critics local newspaper are asses. (usually yg BMnye) Sumenye best.