I list somewhere on a long ago list to see Chicago, the Musical (not the city, but I won't say no to that either..) and occasionally mentioned it. Thus my fiance bought me this, and lauded that it is his idea that we got to watch Chicago. Right :P .. Haha.. fine fine. He bought the tickets and belanje me, so I will acquisence. Right. It is your idea. Haha.

So on 6th November, we got the premiere tickets and were raring to go. Excepting of course my fiance have got to go to Miri on that day. Baru nak resigning to myself that I have to go alone, he made it, albeit 20 or 25 mins late.
Which of course pisses me off since I believe I missed some early bit from the show since I need to wait for my plus one. Its nowhere his fault, but damn I'm still pissed. Sorry, but that just who I am.
Which also causes me to not be able to wholly enjoyed the show as I was steamingly furious. Have to say again, and I know and he stated a few times, its not his fault that he is late... but THAT IS JUST WHO I AM, me who hated waiting and being late for shows (be it wayang or such). Ehem.. now I get that off my chest, let's get on the program.
I won't go into a lengthy review, but here's what I like and don't. Those who wants to know more about what's the story about, of course can kindly head to wiki here (where else..).
I like..
Which of course pisses me off since I believe I missed some early bit from the show since I need to wait for my plus one. Its nowhere his fault, but damn I'm still pissed. Sorry, but that just who I am.
Which also causes me to not be able to wholly enjoyed the show as I was steamingly furious. Have to say again, and I know and he stated a few times, its not his fault that he is late... but THAT IS JUST WHO I AM, me who hated waiting and being late for shows (be it wayang or such). Ehem.. now I get that off my chest, let's get on the program.
I won't go into a lengthy review, but here's what I like and don't. Those who wants to know more about what's the story about, of course can kindly head to wiki here (where else..).
I like..
- few of Velma Kelly dance numbers. Shows great stamina and skills.
- Mama Morton number on "When you're good to Mama..". Great vocal. Wishes it have more snaps and vim into it, in term of performance. But the vocal as itself is spellbinding enough to be kept entertained. Her voice is extraordinary.
- Witty and cheeky lines. I meant lines in term of songs and dialogue (that is not incorporate in songs). Even better than the film ( which I thoroughly enjoyed..).
- Amos. He was sad in the movie (and make our heart breaks..) and in term of the stage, he still makes me feel the same, funnier even but a lil heartbreaking as the man cuckolded.
- The songs and the orchestra. Eiii.. nice... Kudos especially for the orchestral crew on their loud extravagant brassy numbers. I fell in love with the saxophone player (ohhh.. childhood memories flooding back) .
- Their songs is really great, even the one I didn't like before .. "We Both Reached for the Gun". The ventriloquist number is awesomeness.
I don't feel like I like..
- The sets in general. I felt like we didn't get our full entertainment value in term of the high price of tickets they charged. The sets is lacklustre. It is bright, yes, keeping in theme with Chicago. However... that's it? For a musical stage, that's should be a successful one in Broadway, all we get in term of the stage special effects is bright flashing lights and prison bars silhoutte at the back? Props is few and the sets, is what you see is what you get. Dissapointing. I am not sure if this is because of KL Convention Centre vs Istana Budaya that is more equipped to handle more stage effects,sets and props in its full glory or Chicago don't depend on a whole lot of stage effects or sets. We'll see, maybe will watch Beauty and the Beast next year pulak and compare if its really the case.
- The wig or hair or extension on Roxie. Small things to harp on, I know.. Tapi in this production Roxie and Velma have the same cut. So yang duduk jauh tuh2, dark haired and red haired looked almost the same lor,thus hard to differentiate at first.
- Some of the dance numbers, especially All that Jazz. Not enough snap and vim as I said before, as much as I like it or expected of a show that boast of its choreography numbers.
- The girls are not as scantily clad as I wish. Hahaha.. kidding, but wishes adalah lebey sexeh okeh.
- The humongous head that was in front me thus blocking my view especially during the delicious number of Cell Block Tango. Eiiiiii... Okay.. bukan salah production, but still la kann.. Gah!
All in all, I felt somewhat satisfied (even if I was simmering a bit) watching all my favorite numbers in action. Not sure however if I want to give it another go. Rather popped in the CD for the movie version plak. More satisfactory and besto.
So.. abes dah ke Musicals I wish to see? Nah. Wicked!!! Datang lah Malaysia!! Paling bangsat pon Singapore.
From what I heard and seen in little bits in Ugly Betty, Wicked macam awesome and the songs is quite nice. Sigh.. tho methinks its gonna be quite a few years baru a tour would be coming around in Asia.
Oh well..