I always love cats. Always did and ade cita2 untuk memelihara cat yg lawa nanti2 ( but responsibility of a pet is too burdensome a.k.a malas nak clean up and train said kitties). Well, we don't have any pet cat except for a regular visit from the neighbor cat. Used to have those only on my childhood years. Skang malas.
The thing is we have this problem with kitties, I don't know stray or not (I hoped stray so owners won't feel too bad if I strangle it).
Last year, something crawl up the smoke ventilation thingies to die in there. No.. not from inside, I think it clawed itself from outside, past the screen to the ventilation.
Around awal puasa last year, there is this God awful stench coming somewhere in the kitchen. At first we thought a kitten or a rat had died somewhere at the back. We look around and shrugged our shoulders. Then the stench is becoming unbearable that you have to hold your breath everytime coming into the kitchen. My sister and the maid was looking around the kitchen by then if something had chose to die inside the kitchen cabinets.
Then, rain down the maggots. It feels like thousand and thousand (more like berpuluh2 but coming out persistently) came down from the smoke ventilators hood. We were aghast and nauseous and every disgusting feeling that can be feel are felt as we try to make the best of the situation. (at that time it was night so calling for help is quite impossible). My sister try to put something below the hood so the maggots can be contained sambil sambil spray with Ridsect. We were arrested with the irrational fear that while we were sleeping, the maggots will crawl upstairs and feast on our joyous flesh. Hahahahha.
The next day, the one who installed the ventilator were called and asked as so those ventilators are taken out and replace with a new one. I don't think that those men who replaced the thing quite know what they had gotten themselves into. My sister said they looked quite traumatic after finishing the job. We were never quite sure if a cat really died up there, or something else... since the carcass was beyond recognition by then. It took a bit of a time for us to use that ventilator comfortably now.
Then, there is another problem where cat poos seems to litter in front of the gate since it is quite sandy there. My bro-in-law geram2 and shovel those sands away. The cat must be geram2 as well, cause afterwards it clawed out the kunyit my bro-in-law tanam in the pasu at our house and leave its poo in the pasu as souvenir. Had to laugh at that one.
Now, the cats seem to revenge themselves on our house to a whole new level literally. At first I strongly suspected that a cat poop itself on the roof above my room few months back, twice! It smelled horrible. Gah! Never I had ever hate cat, I hated them now.
Then... probably the roof above my room, is probably not a good spot for them. They chose now to poop at the roof just outside my windows. Thrice! Great. All that is left to do is for me is to invite them in my room and let them shit all over the place.
I am at a loss on what to do. Its there some cat karma that I am not aware of? Had I tortured a cat silly during my youngish undeveloped memory years? Is the spirit of the maggoty cat (if its really a cat), ordered those cats to exact revenge on us for its shitty decision to die in our kitchen?
Gah! This is gonna take some work to rid of the poos! And the smell!
I hate cat!!! I am gonna buy a hamster or a pit bull. So it can chase those cat.. Hahahaha (Maniacal laughter..... )
The thing is we have this problem with kitties, I don't know stray or not (I hoped stray so owners won't feel too bad if I strangle it).
Last year, something crawl up the smoke ventilation thingies to die in there. No.. not from inside, I think it clawed itself from outside, past the screen to the ventilation.
Around awal puasa last year, there is this God awful stench coming somewhere in the kitchen. At first we thought a kitten or a rat had died somewhere at the back. We look around and shrugged our shoulders. Then the stench is becoming unbearable that you have to hold your breath everytime coming into the kitchen. My sister and the maid was looking around the kitchen by then if something had chose to die inside the kitchen cabinets.
Then, rain down the maggots. It feels like thousand and thousand (more like berpuluh2 but coming out persistently) came down from the smoke ventilators hood. We were aghast and nauseous and every disgusting feeling that can be feel are felt as we try to make the best of the situation. (at that time it was night so calling for help is quite impossible). My sister try to put something below the hood so the maggots can be contained sambil sambil spray with Ridsect. We were arrested with the irrational fear that while we were sleeping, the maggots will crawl upstairs and feast on our joyous flesh. Hahahahha.
The next day, the one who installed the ventilator were called and asked as so those ventilators are taken out and replace with a new one. I don't think that those men who replaced the thing quite know what they had gotten themselves into. My sister said they looked quite traumatic after finishing the job. We were never quite sure if a cat really died up there, or something else... since the carcass was beyond recognition by then. It took a bit of a time for us to use that ventilator comfortably now.
Then, there is another problem where cat poos seems to litter in front of the gate since it is quite sandy there. My bro-in-law geram2 and shovel those sands away. The cat must be geram2 as well, cause afterwards it clawed out the kunyit my bro-in-law tanam in the pasu at our house and leave its poo in the pasu as souvenir. Had to laugh at that one.
Now, the cats seem to revenge themselves on our house to a whole new level literally. At first I strongly suspected that a cat poop itself on the roof above my room few months back, twice! It smelled horrible. Gah! Never I had ever hate cat, I hated them now.
Then... probably the roof above my room, is probably not a good spot for them. They chose now to poop at the roof just outside my windows. Thrice! Great. All that is left to do is for me is to invite them in my room and let them shit all over the place.
I am at a loss on what to do. Its there some cat karma that I am not aware of? Had I tortured a cat silly during my youngish undeveloped memory years? Is the spirit of the maggoty cat (if its really a cat), ordered those cats to exact revenge on us for its shitty decision to die in our kitchen?
Gah! This is gonna take some work to rid of the poos! And the smell!
I hate cat!!! I am gonna buy a hamster or a pit bull. So it can chase those cat.. Hahahaha (Maniacal laughter..... )
Cuba try prepare satu jag air by the window. Kalau nampak ada je kucing, hamburkan. Cats remember the water treatment more than anything else.
cats nowadays maybe dah belajar minum susu formula so that they're so intelligent.
a cat revenged at my mom by peeing on her bed.
now i x kasi chance dah. i libas sekor2 kucing yang i jumpa.. nasib lah..
Shadow malas
Haha.. the thing is.. not that I am by that windows all the time
Cats are like women. They like their revenge later. Haha.. Haih.. but mmg pendendam cats ni.
wow.. that maggot rain down the hood is intense. you should have take a video and put it on youtube.instant 1 million hits! missed opportunities la
yeah. cat poo. hate em. my mom bela carps now. takyah basuh taik.just feed them those smelly fish food pallets je!