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Showing posts from January, 2007

Chivalry is Dead

Before I proceed with the above, I just have to say... damn. This room is too cold. Cold as a witch tits as what the olden people of the olden country says (New perumpamaan English for the day, kiddies!). I felt like my brain had frozen and the only thing that I can move is my fingers and my eyes as they blink. So probably I am gonna write this post as slowly as I can since I need to continuously warm up my fingers by occasionally hiding it snugly under my sweater. Usually, on morning shift, I'll take the LRT to KL Sentral to take the opportunity of the free shuttle bus they provide. Some people snickers saying bas kilang. Helloooo. I am embodying the true Malaysian culture of maximising free things ok. Show some support here. Now sleepily waiting for the bus under the bridge while unfailingly feeling like a homeless bum, I observed on the people that share the same kind of work tag I am wearing. Most of the people seems to not share my sleepiness or boredom. The women are either a...

Tak Nak Letak Topik

Bole tak kalo nak marah? My ranting had always been in Malay (Or as so as I can see/remember). So Melayu pasar + English rojak la arie ni yek. In here, there are 2 systems that I need to use. One of them is ok enough, hassle free, except from the now and then minor annoyances. One of the system,... is enough to bring me to tears. Ade macam marah tak.. kalo nak apdet 1 mende pon mcm tunggu ayam jantan nak beranak. Gahhh. Tu jangan cakap kalo nak apdet 10 mende. Rase mcm nk buang komputer je. Tapi bukan komputer problem pon. Pastu bole tak kalo ade lebey dari 30 ticket masuk sume nak kena solve cecepat. Sume nak kena apdet, time apdet hang. Gaaah lagi. Geram sehh.. Pastu, pastu, kalo tuka skit mende je.. die wat hal. Tanak apdet laa. Lembap laa. Kuar 1001 macam error message la. Argh. Sengal taw. Pastu, pastu, jangan nak marah2 ye kalo mende tu tak sempat buat. Sangat ngantuk. Tak saba nak cuti. Cuti2 bole tido, guling2 atas katil, sambil tgk buffy. Eh.. dah tak rase marah dah.

OMG. My Blog Had Been Hijacked!

That's what I thought at first when I opened up my blog this morning, and notice instead of my old post. There is this post about margin thingies coming right at the top. Something like you see on your spam inbox regarding stocks thingies that you have no idea what they are saying. Since I had just woken up, I was only slightly miffed.. (my sleep haziness is still very thick) and considered to complain to blogger. All I just did just login to blogger and deleted that post. I think that probably some spammers had randomly found out the address I used to publish blogger post via email. Very irritating la gini. But then my last attempt in using the address to publish resulted in verryyy late publishing, I don't feel any regret in deleting that options. We will see how it goes. If it happens again, definitely need to complain. Tomorrow night shift again. Le sigh. Its been ok. I was only at first kinda blurry on when does yesterday, today and tomorrow happened. I should had gone to ...


Wheee~~ I have the mood to blog. But nothing to say. Actually.. I have a lot of things to say... but.. well.. uh...... perhaps its not the time. Its the first time I am on night shift today. Kinda curious to see on how I would hold on to dear life adapt on working night shift. Also a bit worried on my car being parked all nighter in front of those shops. Got plan to go to uptown for midnight feast.. whee~~~ so excited. Gah.. ckp uptown je.. perut dah lapar. (Lament: Macam maneeee nak kurusss ni kalo asyik laparrrr aje) Anywayy.. I gotten bored waiting for all these lovely series to start again and had started to watch DVDs. But am keep replaying scenes from Ugly Betty which have Amanda in it in moments of boredom. The look of sadness when she heard Daniel saying I love you to another... *sigh* You know the scene where he says she (Sofia/Salma) takes his breath away , heart beat faster, sweaty palms.. Haih.. I knew it too well... and kinda miss it and its kinda painful when thinking ab...

New Year lagikah?

It's been a bit of a time since I blogged. Heh. No excuse. Just lazy meh. Well.. and a bit busy. Its 2007. And its now the 3rd of January. Time flies.. and right now it is grudgingly trudging on slowly.. Anyway, before it gets too old. Happy New Year. Hope you all got a nice new year day/night to start off 2007. Mine was... blah. Everyone since to be hell bent on making resolution left and right. Me... I had made one.. about 2 years ago .. and I think, I had fulfilled almost all of them. So I am going to take a rest from this resolution business for this year and do as what I like. Well except the kickboxing class. I will now buried that azam. RIP. I don't think so I have the time nor the energy to go to the class. Maybe I will reconsider or change to another resolution/class later on. Heck, maybe I will take that pole dancing class as an alternative. But as for the other resolutions, I do need to lose a few kgs again. Gahh. Women and their neverending quest to look skinny/slim...

New Year Again?

I am so pissed. I written a fairly medium length blog post, post it, and blogger somehow lost it somewhere in cyberspace. It do not even gave me some garbled language on why does my blog post was not posted. Gahhh. Well.. I don't feel much like rewriting again. It wouldn't be as good? or as bad? or as 'feelin'... ? Just want to say.. while 2007 still fairly new, Happy New Year. Me? Got no resolution, as written in my previous blog post that are now lost, I just want to do whatever I want or like or have to do. (Not like we think much about our resolution when we get to Feb, March... and so on). So do whatever you want to do too. Happy resoluting your wishes.. Chicken Chop does seems rather tasty right now in my mind.
