Dah tak baby dahhhh. Mommy sad. Pftthh. Our child will always be our baby kut. (kite tengok statement tu bole pakai ke tak 10 tahun akan datang ).
His birthday falls on Sunday time semua orang sibuk balik dari kampung ke rumah masing-masing. So we celebrated it a bit early. We bought the kek raya ketiga tu lepas balik beraya dari Kluang. Singgah JPO jab to find some baju for Aziz and my husband nak beli work shirts die. Over taw baju die skang mahal2. Aku beli kat FOS je.
So sebab alang-alang di JPO tu we decided belikan Aziz ice cream cake je la since ade Baskin Robbins there. Lagipon bile raya ni muak sikit kek2 biasa ni kan. Kalau ade ais krim seleraa sikit.. Ini selera mak ni kek ni. Bukan anak. Masuk2 Baskin Robbins aku dah ngusha satu kek coklat aiskrim in display ni. Tapi Aziz dah excited tunjuk kek lain cakap 'Nak niii'. Sebab birthday anak, kite kena la ngalah.
Memula nak keluarkan kek bile time my sister anak punye akikah the next day tu. Pastu lupaaaa. Ko tengok la mak jenis ape aku ni. Last2 malam tu celebrate la die dengan 2 orang cousin die.
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Kek Aziz pilih. Die suke la tu. Kalerful. |
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Aziz attempt to blow out the candle. Tapi kazen tepi tu lagi berjaya. |
I think kat taska dah biasa ade orang celebrate birthday tiup lilin, so when we stick the candles on top of the cakes die sendiri nyanyi "to youuuu, to youuu". Itu je la die duk ulang2.
As for his development. He is growing up fast and beautifully. I am sometimes amazed on the words he picked up. And mannerism too. Ade sekali tu, aku ajak die naik atas untuk tido, lepas tu die pandang aku, angkat tangan die kat aku stail orang selalu buat kalau orang tu suruh orang tu tunggu, and cakap "kejab lagi". Sometimes his words are so clear that you can be a bit startled that he knows how to express this, other times it just sounded German to me.
Bab lain2 tu. Ok la. Dah know his own mind a.k.a banyak songeh. Bile nak mandi , elak2. Bile nak suh makan.. "nanakkkkk". But most of the time, he is an easy child to handle la. Shy around new people, bile dah kenal lama sikit baru la start engine nakal die.
Boleh disuruh untuk buat simple task. Suruh sapu. Die sapu 1 mins, 10 mins lagi die sibuk patahkan lidi penyapu tu. Bukak kipas tanpa disuruh. Letak botol susu atas meja. Susun mainan balik je tak dan lagi.
While these are the phase of the terrible two, when he is excitedly talking to me in gibberish I felt like I can't wait for him to grow up and express what he is really on his mind.
By the way, Aziz cakap kek tu sedap. Nanti mommy die update lagi pasal mende lain lakk.
Bile suruh die tunjuk sedap macam mana die buat thumbs up. Haha. He enjoyed his ice cream. Dan masa raya tu dari raya kedua duk hujan in JB, so bole la nampak kena resort to menyidai dalam rumah. Haha.