Last weekend punye update dan hape2 lagi.
Cuti Thaipusam tu we went to the zoo. And I think the timing is just nice sebab semua orang not going anywhere sebab takut jem at MRR2 and there is not many people there. Dah la hari tu angin sedap je.
We sudah terpacak depan zoo kul 9.15 selepas breakfast di mamak sebentar. Energy mesti kena ade. Nanti tak larat. The zoo entrance is RM30 for adult weh sekarang. Pengsan. Ape aje tak mahal. I think it is because there will be a whole lot more attractions later on. Masa pergi tu ade construction die buat untuk walkway ke dalam tempat gajah, tempat orang utan and few others. Also coming soon 'Panda'. Hoi. Excited ok nak tengok Panda. Nanti dah ade panda nak pergi la!
Anyway it was nice timing la. Datang kul 9, round keliling sat sempat tengok animal show 11 am then 12pm dah balik.
Budak kecik excited tengok gajah and the lions. I think mostly he just like running around. I pon suke gak. Been a while that I went to the zoo. Last time I tanak pergi lagi dah sebab the sight of the sun bear patched fur depressed the hell out of me. Rase nak nangis ok tiap kali teringat. Couldn't find the sun bear again. Mati kut T_T . Anyway no animal looking too depressing so I came out looking ok except bole aku cherry berry time kat zoo ni. Tak best tul. Dah la I really like to walk. Spoil mood sebab nak kena sibuk cari toilet. LOL.
Ape... ade zirafah... die tak nampak ok zirafah ni memula masa tunjuk. Mungkin sebab die nampak kaki je kut. |
Asyik gile tengok rusa makan |
Oh. And if anyone gonna be bringing their child, better sapu krim halang nyamuk tu. Banyak gile nyamuk gigit when we went into the bird areas. Or maybe you can avoid going into the bird enclosed area tu . Also the fees for under 3 yr old is free. So yay!
Next time maybe we can aim for the bird park or the petting zoo we heard so much about. Laki aku tengok sungai kecik kat zoo tu mula dah reminisce die rindu nak gi sungai and air terjun. I ajak mandi dulu die tanak takut ape2 jadi kat anak die. I told him we wait until he is 2 la kut. Kang nanti jadi macam ade a friend of my sister ni kang ... anak tak kenal sungai. First time pergi ulu yam tanye bapak die "kenapa swimming pool ni banyak batu". Haha. Budak bandar kan sekarang. Masa I lived in Pahang dulu if my dad was around almost every day we pestered him untuk bawak pergi air terjun. Shopping mall??? Mana de shopping mall kat Bentong wehh.
Anyway..the next day we went tengok tiles for our kitchen and the bathroom downstairs. That was boring so takyah la aku nak tunjuk gamba tu kat sini. Actually interesting untuk kite tapi mesti boring untuk yang lain. Bawak dak kecik and just carry him on my shoulder sampai tertidur nyenyak kena dukung.Excited thinking about the new dapur nanti. SO MANY CABINETS I CAN STORE MY STUFFS. I am especially excited in storing my cleaning supplies. Dah la laki aku suke beli pelbagai jenis cleaner. Tak cukup rak nak simpan.
Anyway about his update .. nanti la I buat bile die dah setahun setengah. Time fly fast!
if hannah nmpk giraffe kt pintu msk apartment i, mst giyaff giyaff. tp bile dtg dkt, skit punya tkt menangis2. pdhl giraffe batu je pn. gagagaga
Haha. Patung besar2 ni memang scary. Orang besar pon kenkadang rase scary.