Baru 3 monthsss???
Rase macam dah lama.
Anyway wanna update it but had been crazy busy. Aku benciii. So ni ade sedikit free time meh update sikit.
So what is new? Point form again yeaahh
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Tatkala malam dah ngantuk, tengkuk pon dah tak nampak. |
- He now likes to meniarap. Bukan dengan sendirinye. Oh tidak sama sekali. Tadek tanda2 langsung nak move his butt, but if I tiarapkan die, he likes to look around with interest dan dalam 10 mins lepas tu die meraung. Tengok2 rupanye muntah. Bile meniarap je muntah. But it was a big step, than before this I tiarapkan die at 2 mths dulu, meraung tak suke.
- He does not like to sleep time siang sangat. Which made night time easier for me. Tapi kalau ade la mood die tu meragam, sakit nyawa jugak. But bile weekend memang aku penat la. If die dah boring main2 baring2 (which amount to like 10 mins, 20 mins max) then nangis la die mintak kena dukung.
- Bath time is still hit and miss. I think only TWO time je I manage to bathe AND dress him without him screaming his lungs out. Nowadays usually it is just the dressing he does not like. Aku start letak baby oil je , die dah tak suke. Bathing time, he find it enjoyable, tapi ikut mood. And if kena syampu rambut, mood pon jatuh. Haha. Crankypants.
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Sometimes when he is crying, I took a step back and just look at him. It kinda make you less stressed. This time I took a pic. |
- He lovesss watching his cousin plays. Bile cousin2 die jumping up and down, he will look in glee, hands and feet flailing macam nak lompat dari dukungan dan join sama. Which is why we said, he doesnt look like he want to belajar to roll sebab die nak terus berlari.
- Badan montelism, next week baru tahu berapa berat, tapi i rase my left arms is muscly dah kuttt. I agak lebih 6 kg.
- He loves to be outside. So usually sebelom pegi keje, I bawak die jalan luar. Tak lama mana pon. Just enough kasik die nampak udara luar sikit, kena cahaya matahari sikit. Masuk rumah balik. If he is crying time siang and I have no idea what to do, I usually bring him outside. That usually quiets him down.
- Eh oklah. I nak siap2 blah dan singgah mothercare to buy tiny tot Bumbo Seat! Tak sabar you. Nanti I update more about tiny tot. Macam banyak nak update tapi biasala blank bile bukak entry post.
dagu mana dagu dah hilanggggg. hahhaa.
Hehe... ko punye teori dulu anak first tak banyak karenah tak boleh pakai kat akuuu. Haha