Minggu lepas my youngest brother sudah pon selamat menjadi suami orang. It felt so weird seeing my youngest brother who I still view as a kid now have a wife tobe responsible to and who knows maybe even a father next year.
So fast time flies.
Dengan itu the whole family went to Melaka ( wifenye org Melaka) for the majlis. Aku memula pening je nak bring kenit to the wedding. But it went ok.
Masa akad nikah tu is a bit tricky sebab time marhaban bising2, bergendang bagai boleh pulak kenit tdo dengan lenanye.

Tapi boleh pulak time akad tu he chose that time to wake up. Cepat2 la suakan susu before he start howling at the top of his lungs. Have to BF
him tengah2 itu with all the well meaning advice from makcik2 all around commenting why my baby is crying adakah sedikit stressful untuk ibunye. Anak nye bukan peduli asalkan got his milk.
But kenit dont make a scene, thank goodness, I bring my Chomel NC everywhere pon ( thanks Dila for the gift) so not much of a biggie to give kenit what he wants.
So my brother 5 kali kena ulang akad ni tak boleh nak attribute to kenit. Hehe.

But during reception tu I came prepared with a bottle pon tak jalan sebab the new maid tak reti on kenit way. Still mak die jugak kena handle. Bole aku makan lama2 kenit melahau sakan dalam rumah pengantin because he refused his bottle. Haish. The new maid tu adalah ( interrupted kejab post ni sbb aku bebel2 aku geram sebab die tidurkan baby without giving him a bath first ) mencabar kesabaran aku. Susah betul bile die nak ikut cara die and basically ignore my instructions sebab die rase die lagi tahu. Tapiiiiii... ini bukan post komplen pasal the new maid.
anywayyyyy... majlis at melaka was meriah and because I am busy with the baby I feel like I missed out on a lot of things... such as eating kat main table!!!. haha. But it went on splendidly despite me missing out on scrumptious dishes. Though I did asked my sedara mara to pass me the kuih muih to me a bit, so tadekla missed out much

Hari Ahad tu pon marked the end of my pantang dan terus ajeee aku celebrate dengan minum coconut shake Klebang.
Right now am at JB. Bile dah kat JB ni perasaan malas nak naik kerja tu lagi lipat ganda. Nak aje berenti, hantar balik the maid and jaga kenit dan kekucing.
Oh since I am gone ni ape jadi dengan kekucing? I asked someone to come to my home and bagi the cats makan and clean the litterbox. Risau jugak la, but the person tu suke kucing so ok je. I cant trust myself giving this task to people who dont like cats. Tadi die baru call cakap the kittens are ok, tapi Kurap stay perched on top of the pintu ( ade ruang di situ yang Kurap and Fasha like to climb on and perched tengok luar) tanak turun unless to eat and poop. Kesian Kurap. I think she missed me.

So fast time flies.
Dengan itu the whole family went to Melaka ( wifenye org Melaka) for the majlis. Aku memula pening je nak bring kenit to the wedding. But it went ok.
Masa akad nikah tu is a bit tricky sebab time marhaban bising2, bergendang bagai boleh pulak kenit tdo dengan lenanye.

Tapi boleh pulak time akad tu he chose that time to wake up. Cepat2 la suakan susu before he start howling at the top of his lungs. Have to BF
him tengah2 itu with all the well meaning advice from makcik2 all around commenting why my baby is crying adakah sedikit stressful untuk ibunye. Anak nye bukan peduli asalkan got his milk.
But kenit dont make a scene, thank goodness, I bring my Chomel NC everywhere pon ( thanks Dila for the gift) so not much of a biggie to give kenit what he wants.
So my brother 5 kali kena ulang akad ni tak boleh nak attribute to kenit. Hehe.

But during reception tu I came prepared with a bottle pon tak jalan sebab the new maid tak reti on kenit way. Still mak die jugak kena handle. Bole aku makan lama2 kenit melahau sakan dalam rumah pengantin because he refused his bottle. Haish. The new maid tu adalah ( interrupted kejab post ni sbb aku bebel2 aku geram sebab die tidurkan baby without giving him a bath first ) mencabar kesabaran aku. Susah betul bile die nak ikut cara die and basically ignore my instructions sebab die rase die lagi tahu. Tapiiiiii... ini bukan post komplen pasal the new maid.
anywayyyyy... majlis at melaka was meriah and because I am busy with the baby I feel like I missed out on a lot of things... such as eating kat main table!!!. haha. But it went on splendidly despite me missing out on scrumptious dishes. Though I did asked my sedara mara to pass me the kuih muih to me a bit, so tadekla missed out much

Hari Ahad tu pon marked the end of my pantang dan terus ajeee aku celebrate dengan minum coconut shake Klebang.
Right now am at JB. Bile dah kat JB ni perasaan malas nak naik kerja tu lagi lipat ganda. Nak aje berenti, hantar balik the maid and jaga kenit dan kekucing.
Oh since I am gone ni ape jadi dengan kekucing? I asked someone to come to my home and bagi the cats makan and clean the litterbox. Risau jugak la, but the person tu suke kucing so ok je. I cant trust myself giving this task to people who dont like cats. Tadi die baru call cakap the kittens are ok, tapi Kurap stay perched on top of the pintu ( ade ruang di situ yang Kurap and Fasha like to climb on and perched tengok luar) tanak turun unless to eat and poop. Kesian Kurap. I think she missed me.

Akak nak bagi tahu jugak ni. Hari tu akak tak beli buku hunger games sebab kuota utk bulan tu dah habis kan. Tapi dah rezeki akak jumpa free e-book sites utk buku tu complete tetiga sekali. So sekarang ni tak sabar nak baca book 2. Thanks for the review, dik. Memang best buku tu.
Best kan buku tu... bile teringat mesti rase nak baca lagi sekali