Am so freaking tired. Am also annoyed at those momsies ( and dadsies) yang macam bile aku cakap aku tired or baby is cranky is acting like "I told you.." God. I know! I just want to complain ok.
Also terasa macam akan selsema dan semput which is not good. But it haven't gone full blown yet. So here's hoping with lots of hot drinks I gonna be ok. That usually works. And a long deep sleep. Which is impossible. Haha.
So update:
Kenit is now 1 month old. Hurray!
He is well.. suke mengempeng ek orang panggil. He likes to fall asleep on the breast. And if he is cranky he wants to be rock to sleep. All the time. Because I want to hold on to my sanity, I am borrowing my sister buaian. Sibuk la orang2 ni duk cakap " Nanti anak kau nak tidur berbuai jeee... nak pegi mana2 pon susah.." Helloo.. aku tahu la. I am not that dumb. But it is either that, or not bathe, or eat or live decently. Lagi-lagi aku kat rumah ni sensorang soon, mahu meroyan if I don't have any help.
Currently trying to stock up on BM. I am not going to say much about this, because I try not to. . Let just say progress had been slow, but there is progress. I am not gonna be anal about BF. I try to do the best as I can. Selagi mampu, I will BF my child. If supplement is needed later on when the supply can't cope, I am not gonna go mental about it. But I personally still think if I BF or not, it is a private thing between my husband, me and my child. But that is also the question people kept on asking. The line of questioning will usually goes from gender to how you deliver the baby to if you are BF. While I am not annoyed by the question, it does get... tiring kut.
Also during 31st August, my mom held cukur jambut at the JB house. It is a small affair, marhaban sikit, cukur rambut sampai botak by an Ustaz and makan-makan. My mom cooks for all the guests, all by herself and aku rase guilty kenot tolong because baby was acting up during the day before. However, on that day itself, selepas aku simpan stock susu banyak2 for baby during the majlis, he was well behaved not a cry was heard during the whole time. And he was awake from start to finish ok. Bile guest terakhir datang tengah makan baru lah die cranky sebab penat. Good boy.
Nampak sungguh lahh baik tika ini kan. |
Kami sudah reunion balik semalam. Kurap memula buat dek jek kat aku, but then she started to warm up to me again. But she is still sad that she can't come into the room. Setiap kali she hears the bedroom door open, berlari-lari die naik trying to get in.
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Penuh 1 badan cover printer |
As for Bobby, he is all better. Before going back to JB, I noticed that Bobby was sick. Took him to the vet and found that he got a lung infection and was not eating. He stay at the vet for a while when we went to JB, about a week, but still not eating. Husband got back to KL and took him home and try to force feed him.
It was a monumental task and husband was in a rage most of the time. Hehe. I understand though. It is really hardd to force feed a cat. So cuti raya tu we can't send Bobby to normal boarding, and we can't take care of him at JB. Hantar balik ke vet for treatment + boarding. So kiranye after about 2 weeks baru die start eating on his own. Fuh... takut aku kalau he still won't eat.
Now he is eating as much as he can from all the other cats bowl, macam making up for lost time. Hoping he will gain his weight again, but he is eating and playing, so all is well, bak kate cite Hindustan.
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Bobby all better! Playing with husband. Walaupon husband emoism pon, Bobby is still his favorite. |
Camtuh je la perangai nakalnye. Macam kitten on steroid. Selalu la nampak her flying here and there and everywhere and kacau kakak and abang die to distraction.
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Susah benar nak tangkap gambar critter sekor ni. |
During raya holiday tu hantar Kurap and Wolly boarding in 1 cage. So dalam 1 week plus to kena force live together, and bile balik major improvement. Sebelom ni Kurap selalu hissing and spitting bile Wolly is near, now Kurap boleh jilat2 die skali ok. Kurap jilat Bobby pon tak. Tadekla Kurap and Wolly BFFs, but Kurap can now get along with her reasonably well. Bile mood kurang elok je, Kurap will lash out. Contohnye bile Wolly menyibuk bile Kurap nak beramah mesra bersama tuannye. Haha.
Ah well.. nak kejutkan si kenit tu untuk tukar pampers.
when u r a first timer, u just to be as deaf as u can haha .. or msk telinga kanan kuar telinga kiri if u cant accept, or ambil yg baik (apa yg org ckp) sbg teladan yg buruk persetankan .. ahaks .. of course we hv our point of view, but at the same time people around also wants to share sbb diorang kan dah mkn garam dulu kekdahnye .. so let it be .. cheers ok :)
Lepas tu kan, bila my sis tu jadi doc kat klinik sendiri dan dah kahwin dan dah ada anak, baru dia tahu. Kehkehkeh. Bukan senang tau nak BF sebab dia pun tak dapat buat. Akak tabik sangat pada orang yang mampu buat ni including you. Memang itulah yang paling baik.
Btw kurap dah elok ya. Alhamdulillah.
Baik dah kucing ni, Alhamdulillah. Jauhkan la kucing2 ni dari sakit dalam few months ni. Tak terlarat nanti. Huhu.
Tapi tulah. At the end of the day, tak kira la buku kate ape, org cakap ape, kite buat la ape yang termampu and kita rase the best for the kid and the situation. Huhu. Setakat ni aku senyum je dengar.
Aku dah kat KL ni. Nak datang bolehhh... bagi taw je la dulu awal2. Hehe. Maklumlah duduk seorang. So kasik rumah half decent sikitttt.. HALF je decent. Sekarang ni macam hape.