Tiny human inside me is growing healthy and well so far, Alhamdulillah. Nothing major during the last checkup (last Tuesday), just to reassure me that baby is growing well.
Interesting to note that the doctor remarked "Ok, I can see no cleft palate. That's good." Alhamdulillah on that point to and interesting to know that it can be detected from the normal scan at 6 months.
Got the second shot for the Hep B vaccine which was much more painful than the last shot. Gile grimacing, and nurse tu tanye "sakit ke kakkk.. sorryy". Heh... tadek la sakit2 sangat, tapi bukan macam kena gigit semut laa. At least by today tangan sudah tidak kebas.
Baby macam biasa active dalam perut. Aku boleh rase die tekan2 pundi kencing taw, which is not fun, sebab I geli2 taw. I found he is more active when I am eating or in the middle of the night. Kalau tak rase die gerak2 tu risau la gak, but then bile die dah start gerak2 rase lega. Camtuh la kut mothers will feel anxiety for their child from then on. It is good sebab I selalu takut je I ni lacking in maternal instinct. I don't really like kids, I find them cute and all tapi nak layan tu... malas kutt. So I am not the favorite aunt of anyone . Haha. So maybe with my own kid I feel differently.
After all, I can be incredibly maternal to my cats, I can't imagine feeling any less when a baby comes along kan. Right now it is still feeling surreal. I don't feel overwhelm with love towards the tiny human, ( which some people find horrible ) but that does not mean I don't care. I care a lot about the well being of this tiny human and I know I love it. But overwhelming love for me is to know its bad and good attributes and love every second of it, which I am looking forward to it bile tiba masanye.
I was contemplating to go to the antenatal class or not, sebab aku ni memang malas. Lagi2 MALAS kalau kena pergi sorang. Kalau awek lain sume duk breathe in and out dengan husband kat tepi, nak aku buat dengan sapa. Bawak Kurap kang. Tapi macam interesting nak pergi, to know the correct way to breastfeed and mandikan baby and all that la. But only if husband is available la as it is one full day, so to face that alone adalah tidak mahuuu.
As for clothes, semua sudah tidakk muat. Seluar dipakai adalah sume maternity type, which is mcm londeh pon ade. Mencik taw. Duk tarik2 seluar macam very dorky. I already got the passed around maternity clothes, from my sister in law. Lepas beranak sume simpan dalam 1 beg besar, sealed and then passed around among sisters or sis-in-law bile die pregnant. I only bought seluar maternity je for now sebab baju maternity satu pon I tak berkenan. Currently I am wearing a lot of baggy2 clothes instead of the maternity one. Lagi selesa, also sejak pregnant ni, I don't like to layer my clothes sebab panas wehh. Bile orang kat opis ni duk selubung dengan sweater and shawl, aku masih rilek lagi.
Ok. Enough pregnancy update for now.
Other babies. Cats!
Dah janji nak letak gamba Bobby.
Excess perut melondeh di lantai. Teehee |
Bobby ni sekarang major improvement, kurang sikit nak gigit2 kaki orang and jari. Ade la jugak if you encourage him, but most of the time he knows people get really annoyed with it sebab gigi die bagaikan jarum weh.
Mende warna warni tu adalah renda my skirt yang I cut off sebab buat gatal kaki je, and I wear the skirt dalam rumah je. Tak perlu renda2. I usually let the cats play with some very random stuffs before I throw it away. I know this is the type of thing Bobby likes to tear out. You can see the end of the renda is really frayed because he teared it to pieces.
Another major, major improvement is he ceased or kurangkan aktiviti pengotor die yakni, selet bontot kat lantai instead of cleaning it himself selepas berak. Benci taw kena lap2 lantai. At least I put his litterbox di belakang rumah where slippers are needed. I saw that he rarely does it nowadays and I hope this will continue to he no longer do it. Aku tataw la kenapa, I read cats do that sebab berak cair , tapi taik normal je. I chalked it up to, kurang didikan dari ibu kandung. Heh. I think mother cat are suppose to teach their young this basic thing, and setengah mother cat adalah very neglectful and Bobby plak kucing abandon, so tak sure la sempat diajar ke tak.
Ade another cat wants me to adopt him, part time. Part time sebab, bukan hari2 die tercongok kat rumah, tapi ade la seminggu tu 3 4 kali ade mintak makanan or just want to sleep.
I got back from my doctor checkup on Tuesday and found him sleeping at my porch.
Ini lah kucing yang I named Jejai. He have the same fur marking and coloring as Fasha, which is why I named him such.
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Gamba Fasha ni macam blur. |
Kesian taw Jejai tu. Busuk gile la tapi. Husband nak mandikan die, tapi Jejai dapat larikan diri. I sendiri memang susah la nak mandikan kucing nowadays. You have to get a good grip.
Jejai ni walaupon kucing stray yang busuk, memilih taw. Kalau nak makan, die nak yang fresh dari balang je. Yang dah lama kena letak dalam bekas tak mahu. Melampau tul. Die nak masuk rumah but I don't let him because as a fully grown male cat, which is not that well behaved , die suke duk spray2 kat dalam rumah. Selalunye kena pintu je, which I don't care much sebab boleh lap je. Sekali die spray kat sofa. Tension je nak kena bersihkan. Puteh pon tak pernah buat camtu.
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Alang2 sume gamba kucing ade, letak sekali Puteh. Muka pathetic gile. Time ni maseh stray and die buat aksi begging untuk mintak permission duduk tepi. He was a very polite cat taw :( |
Puteh kucing comel yang passed away last time pon , every time I kasik die masuk rumah when he was a stray was extremely well behaved. He did spray2 a bit, but at the time he was having UTI issues, so I gave him a pass. Tapi tak pernahh laa die nak spray selamba badak kat sofa aku okeh. Ye pon dekat dinding2 and pintu je, but I can just clean it up.
So Jejai just have to content himself untuk spray2 dekat kereta husband je. Hahaha. Husband is irked of course, but I told him, he is a male cat that can't help himself. The only thing to do is get him to be 'fixed' (neutered). But first he needs to be given a good bath first sebelom kite orang sanggup nak hantar die ke vet. Tengok nanti husband nak try lagi mandikan die.
Ops. Tertinggal gamba Kurap, just because to completekan all the kucing sets.
I was working from home at this time, dan inilah perangai Kurap if I am working from home. Nak jugak duduk atas keyboard tu. At one point, by just sitting on the keyboard, from my system product webpage that is open at the time in Firefox, she manage with her butt to direct it to go to the Nintendo DS punye website. I have no idea how, because I myself have never open that page. Dan buat aku tempted nak beli Nintendo DS lite. Ini adalah hint ke ape Kurapp?
I think cats secretly are nerds.
You know having cats, give you incredible amount of patience. I am glad I took care of cats because it gave me confidence that maybe I won't be as hopeless with a baby. (maybe just freak out a little)
p/s: entry panjang. Takpe kasik can because I rarely update nowadays.
pregnant mmg manjang panas jek .. hehe.
nnt start 7bln minumlah air kelapa .. insyaAllah baby kulit bersih kuar nnt.
ok take care!! (did u know sarah dah bersalin at wk26 on last week, baby nak kuar awal kekdahnye)
Haahh... air kelapa mmg best.. nanti aku try minggu every week. (sbb panas wehhh)
Eh aku ade baca sarah dah bersalin, tak sempat nak wish ke ape, dapat agak premies tapi tak sangka awal sungguh on 26th week. Betul kaa 26th??? ke 36th week farah?
Anyway, hope the remaining months of your pregnancy is enjoyable and that your delivery to be a breeze :)
There's so much to learn about yourself dgn membela pets I think.