That's seems to be the feeling I felt in my dream. I kept on having recurring dreams where vampires are after me and taking hostage of my cats. Especially Kurap.
Gambar sekadar hiasan
The other night I dreamt of real people intending to do me harm, and it scared me witless. I found myself reluctant to sleep because in my dream the people came to me in my sleep and I was scared. Sleep of course came and I dreamt again of vampires and cats and all is right again in my world. I rather much have vampires and zombies and aliens ( I dreamt of them quite often too) in my dreams than psychopath made of real flesh and blood. Perhaps the state of the world scares me. The other night I was haunted by the face of the father who lost his 2 kids. Last night news reported there was a hit and run in Kelantan where a vehicle hit 2 kids on a bicycle. Seeing those poor kids still bloodied and still clad n school clothes while being watched silently by thei...
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