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Showing posts from August, 2011

I rather face monsters than human

That's seems to be the feeling I felt in my dream.  I kept on having recurring dreams where vampires are after me and taking hostage of my cats. Especially Kurap.  Gambar sekadar hiasan The other night  I dreamt of real people intending to do me harm, and it scared me witless. I found myself reluctant to sleep because in my dream the people came to me in my sleep and I was scared. Sleep of course came and I dreamt again of vampires and cats and all is right again in my world.  I rather much have vampires and zombies and aliens ( I dreamt of them quite often too) in my dreams than psychopath made of real flesh and blood.  Perhaps the state of the world scares me. The other night I was haunted by the face of the father who lost his 2 kids. Last night news reported there was a hit and run in Kelantan where a vehicle hit 2 kids on a bicycle. Seeing those poor kids still bloodied and still clad n school clothes while being watched silently by thei...

A pile of book reviews

The Long Secret by Louis Fitzburgh This is the sequel to the precocious tale of Harriet the Spy, which I had read some time ago. I like Harriet the Spy, this one, not so much. Summary: Harriet the Spy refuses to become ruffled when an unidentified person starts leaving disturbing notes all over the quiet little beach town of Water Mill. She’s determined to discover the author of the notes. And she drags her best friend, mousy Beth Ellen, into all kinds of odd and embarrassing situations in her efforts to reveal the culprit. Observing in her own special, caustic way with her ever-present notebook, Harriet the Spy is on the case. But will she be ready to face the truth when she finds it? Review The Long Secret by Louise Fitzhugh My rating: 2 of 5 stars I like the book towards the end. When the characters shows more heart and emotion. I appreciate the ending. However, this book felt bland . I like the first book well enough, but this one, I need to force myself to continue readi...

Random on Sunday

I have no idea why, but  feel like this Ramadhan was harder than before. Maybe because I gotten sick during Ramadhan? Or I am alone at home?  I had finished watching Felicity. I felt quite sad towards the end, that I can no longer have my fix of Ben and Felicity adorableness. This only spurs me to see Dawson's Creek. If I can find the DVD. In the mean time, I'm watching Gilmore Girls and reliving how cute Alexis Bledel is and how youthful Jared Padalecki looks then.  I can't wait for Raya, but more because I can't wait for holiday. I hope this week go fast.  I am now quite addicted playing with the games on google plus. If you do play, add me! Especially Zombies Lane. I love that game but I need more people so I can chomp on their plants! Manage to give a bath to all 3 kittehs. It does do me good as I was having a fever and a cold this weekend, so a little sweat always do you good in my opinion. However it resulted in me 'melepek' at 2pm.  On Friday I am on...

Cat Sanatorium

Last weekend 2 of my cats are sick.  Kurap came home on Thursday all quiet. Soon she was puking around the house. I am immune to cat puke by this time, well almost. The one Fasha let out last week is enormous and disgusting but I manage to not retch next to it. However the one that Kurap let out is worrying because I can see blood in there. This is her on Friday night , where she had found a nook she want to be in.  While Puteh came home that same evening limping. He was limping a while, but I didn't bring pay much attention because I am lousy, also it is also a bit on and off limp.  By Friday, he can only walks with 3 legs. That it is him on the same Friday night where Kurap is asleep in her nook, he took position on the sofa and prop up his hurt leg to a position less painful to him.  I now have 2 sick cats in hand and brought them to a vet on Saturday. I worry more for Kurap because all she wants to do is lie down. However on the way to the vet, ...

Bloggity blog

Sometimes I wonder if I privatize my blog, I will have more to blog about?  Or maybe I should just accept the fact that I am like many other was just following a fad?  But I used to love blogging. I used to think what I want to write and store all this little nuggets of observation, insight, conversation to be put in here. Nowadays, I am just contented, to read, read and read. Read books, read tweets, read blogs, read gossip sites.  When I open my blog nowadays I can only do book reviews. Maybe I should change this blog name to - Dils Reads Books and Spout it Here? Or start a new blog and jot things in here occasionally. But when I want to abandon the blog, I will find myself itching to blog.  So blog blog blog. Maybe I'll set it to private. I think whenever I decided to close down the blog, it will be set to private. And perhaps then I'll write in abandon, without thoughts, grammar nazi and secret people stalking through here secretly. The thoughts seems to be l...
