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Hari Raya Esok

Ala kira je la ini Raya post.

This Raya is getting to be even more bland. My only grandmother had passed away earlier this year. My grandfather had passed away several years before. I never knew the other grandparents on my father side. My sister and her family will be celebrating in Qatar this year. I will miss the sight of Little Kenit frolicking around with kueh raya always in hand. So this Raya, will not be spent sightseeing in zoo. What? Don't judge. Bukan hari raya first pon.. more like 2nd or 3rd Raya.

I never seems to feel the Raya festive airs nowadays. My grandparents used to love Raya so much. My grandmother is looking forward to the food. My grandfather looking forward of his friends visiting. During first raya dulu2, he love to invite his friends (of all races....) to come and enjoy the various food my mom and grandmother prepared. Ketupat, nasi impit, nasi beriani, laksa, soto, sayur lodeh, rendang kering, rendang basah, sate.... (the table used to groan holding all these).

The tetamu would start to come and continue and continue to come until.. almost 11pm. We would then return home, tired of carrying upstairs and downstairs lauk pauk, dishes and cups non stop. Later after he died, I was always confused why the Raya doesn't feel like Raya. I guess its stop feeling like a festive Raya after my grandfather passed away.

Not to be super gloomy y'all. I just found myself on this year coming Raya, I kept on remembering Tok Mak and Tok Ayah.

Favorite moments:
1. Isi ketupat beramai2. I suck but I still like it. He like to asingkan ketupat yg org lain buat. Macam this batch Kak Lina yang buat. This batch Kintan. This batch moi. I personally thought then so that people wouldn't get confused on his superior ketupat compared to us lousy one. Heee. Bile dah makan ade aje komen.." Ini lembik semacam ni.. haa ni mesti Lina nye..", "Ketupat Watie ni macam batu..."

2. Membawa cucu2 and whomever yang jua masih kanak2 beraya di rumah2 rakannye as so we can collect even more duit raya.

3. Have to beratur in a straight line to salam2 and receive our duit raya. Selagi tak cukup forum, cannot receive those green packets from him.

(kenapakah.. banyak favorit moments time dapat duit raya ni. LOL..)

Cringing moments:
1. Dipaksa berkaraoke semasa pegi beraya setelah dibawa oleh Tok Ayah . The things we do...... Probably this is why I have such deep, unhealthy, revulsion towards karaoke?

(Ok.. I don't have many cringing moments ok since I like to repress memory. This memory however can't be repressed due to my mother glee in bringing it up ...)

So peeps, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Drive safe. Don't be a glutton. Kasik lah duit raya lebih sikit pada moi walaupon moi tiada anak lagi dan jua bukan kanak-kanak.



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