Fall! Oncoming!
Oy. Why should I care? Malaysia weather condition is either raining, hazy or super hot.
There is 1 thing to look forward tho. Brand new series and the start of a new season. My computer is groaning under the weight of Prison Break (which start next week btw and which I don't watch anymore..), Ugly Betty, Shark, Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and Heroes. Not to mention... Medium, Supernatural and House which I had been collecting. And let's briefly remembered the newly deceased series which I loved, Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls.
Just look at the list above. Isn't that just... amazing... On how much free time I have in my hands to watch them all. {slightly hysterical} Are you freakin kidding me? Free time? What free time? Do you know that I timed carefully in watching my series and try to squeeze in as many as possible even berus gigi pon sambil tgk series.
Ehem. Ok maybe not in that extreme.. but some people are amazed on how many actually I watch and still function like a human being. Which is probably why I only have a blank look to offer when anyone mentioned Manja Lara or whatever it is the latest Sandiwara offered at TV3.
Of course to torture myself more.. I finding myself anticipating in glee of these brand new spanking series.
Wait. I think I just had a revelation on my lack of friends state.
Oy. Why should I care? Malaysia weather condition is either raining, hazy or super hot.
There is 1 thing to look forward tho. Brand new series and the start of a new season. My computer is groaning under the weight of Prison Break (which start next week btw and which I don't watch anymore..), Ugly Betty, Shark, Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and Heroes. Not to mention... Medium, Supernatural and House which I had been collecting. And let's briefly remembered the newly deceased series which I loved, Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls.
Just look at the list above. Isn't that just... amazing... On how much free time I have in my hands to watch them all. {slightly hysterical} Are you freakin kidding me? Free time? What free time? Do you know that I timed carefully in watching my series and try to squeeze in as many as possible even berus gigi pon sambil tgk series.
Ehem. Ok maybe not in that extreme.. but some people are amazed on how many actually I watch and still function like a human being. Which is probably why I only have a blank look to offer when anyone mentioned Manja Lara or whatever it is the latest Sandiwara offered at TV3.
Of course to torture myself more.. I finding myself anticipating in glee of these brand new spanking series.
Wait. I think I just had a revelation on my lack of friends state.
Gossip Girl

What's it about?
A once reigning queen bee (Serena) came back to her old school after mysteriously dropping out in favor to boarding school. She found her BFF (Blair) is the current queen bee whom now shun her. The cause of this.. most prolly is Blair's BF, Nate. Added to the storyline is a pair of siblings where the elder brother (Dan) have an eye for Serena and younger sis (Jenny) is on the verge in joining Blair very much desired popular inner circle. Furthermore, a gossip blog run by "Gossip Girl" an anonymous at the school (and widely read by her peers) provides juicy tidbits and revealing info regarding the who's who, adding fuel to the already bitter rivalries and seethiness of the girls.. and boys.
Why I want to watch this?
Riveting. Hah. Well.. this seems a little bit like OC + 90210. Heck.. who am I kidding. This seems like any other typical High School series but with an even more bitch factor and posh-ness added in. But Josh Schwartz should make this work and I would be interested if he would make this as great as the first season of OC and not make it a drag as it move along (Did anyone remember OC after Season 1?). The preview is great and Kirsten Bell providing the narrative voice (the Gossip Girl) would make me missing Veronica Mars even less; until she kicks ass in Heroes.
When it start previewing?
19th September.

What's it about?
On his 21st birthday, Sam (a true and true slacker) found out the reason why his parent are incredibly lenient on his lifestyle, attitude, education. His parents had sold his soul to the devil. However instead of being send to fiery hell, the price is of him being the devil's lackey, which is by serving as a bounty hunter on hunting down the evils that had escaped from Hell. Not a bad gig for being the devil's lackey, considering his status.
Come. On. The above summary is enough reason to watch it. The preview is one of the funniest scene I'd ever seen for a TV series in recent time (or maybe I laugh easily.. but whatever). This series is featured in Comic Con and is the most anticipated for geeks and supernatural lovers freaks alike.
When it start previewing?
25th September.
Private Practice

What's it about?
Spinoff from Grey's. Addison Montgomery decided to change her life and join the private practice run by her friend and her ex husband in L.A. And I believe no further summary is needed on this much hyped show.
Kate Walsh. Really. I love her character in Grey's and is the sole reason I want to tune in. If this new series were an unknown and the summary goes like " a female doctor who can't seem to make relationship work, try to find new life in a private practice in L.A..." . ZzzZZzzZZz. I probably wouldn't give it a glance over. Ooohh.. and of course, Piz Chris Lowell (of VM fame) is kinda worth a glance over.
When it start previewing?
26th September
Women's Murder Club
What's it about?
4 women who's a homicide detective, M.E, journalist and assistant D.A , team together in helping each other in cracking the latest murder case that baffled them.
Those who's a fan of James Patterson books should know these series. I love the first installment of the series on the Honeymoon killing and the others following are kinda just OK. But the characters written especially on Detective Lindsay Boxer is such a strong character that I always find myself checking out the latest installments. That alone is reason for me to watch this. The preview is quite ok but a bit different from the book. That's understandable though. And of course... Women Empowerment! Yeay!
When its start previewing?
12th October
Cashmere Mafia

What's it about?
Described as Sex and the City meet Devil Wears Prada, its about the lives of 4 (mengapakah mesti 4....) women living a life as a high power executive juggling both careers and family and relationships.
Well.. I like Lucy Liu (one of the reason I watched the horrible Rise is because of her too). And I hope she will bring an essence of Ling into this character. Also, the creator is Darren Star who was the person who brought to us Sex and the City. So..duh.... of course I will watch this.
When its start previewing?
27th November.
Fuh. That's the list.. only 5.. eh.. not bad. But actually there is a few more series that is on my tentatively wanted to watch list but have to draw a line somewhere or I would not have a life anymore or meet any other human in real time!
Those are
Those are
- Bionic Woman (previewing 26th Sept. Those who loved the 70s series.. must be itching to watch this or plain will hate it.. totally your call)
- Aliens in America (previewing 1st Oct. About an exchange student from Pakistan staying with a family in the US. Looks kinda fun.. but prolly will give it a miss)
- Carpoolers (previewing 2nd Oct. A show I predict that dooms for an early axe, but the preview is.. kinda funny. A bit like a surburban car pooling chock full of men Cashmere Mafia)
- Pushing Daisies (previewing 3rd Oct. About a man who can raise the dead with a single touch. Sounds kinda shady, but people are raving about it. Prolly will take a sneak peek. Who knows.. maybe I will end up lovin like FNL)
- Samantha Who? (previewing 15th Oct. A woman who had an amnesia and starting to build her life from scratch. Starring Christina Applegate who I totally heart).
- Updated 18/9 .Chuck (previewing 24th Sept. A spy who is 'menyamar' jd normal guy. Not of Mr & Mrs Smith type...)
Reviewing back, I found the above list can be categorized as Chick Flick. I'm a chicka. I see nothing wrong with that.
Let's see if these shows will deliver or get the axe, like last year Runaway which I have to admit is a total snooze midway.
"nano bots to fix ur bla bla bla..."
i think bionic stiry plot should be dead and buried ... leave them back in the 70's
as for aliens in america.. i would love to see that.
oh.heroes and CSI next week. wahahahahaha.. tak sabar
what else.. oh all the cerita u put way on top is too girly for me kot. so i wont comment on them. LOLZ
Aliens in America is kinda fun. And they are telling providing regarding a Muslim Pakistani boy in America. It is interesting on how they would portrayed that.
Haha.. Yeah.. I notice that too. I think your taste is prolly more on the likes of Reaper, Chuck, Dirty Sexy Money ( I think that is the new mob series but I maybe wrong on the title)
Somewhat interested in it since Alona Tal is starring, but prolly I'll wait Star World tayang kut. Heh..
But this season I found there's a lot more chick type seroes.
Oh another series I am contemplating is on Moonlight. An immortal... Lots of supernatural element this yr too. Probably riding on Heroes success.