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Showing posts from May, 2006

The One with the Snakes

I am suffering from a bad headache because of oversleeping. I do not slept much during the weekend due to lots of activities! So now I am sleeping and typing. Sleeping and typing. How do I do that? Niece birthday, wedding, shopping since FCUK got a to die for sale. (Psstt... 50 and 60% off. Jeans that cost RM400 now cost RM140++) Yesterday, due to sheer boredomness, and since watching Animal Hotel MASKargo is cracking me up so much (sheer boredom remembered) that it is becoming annoying, I turned to watch documentary on snakes. Eik,ugh. I hate snakes. Their cold scaly skin. Eiii... I remembered holding em and feeling the snake coiling and slithering on top of my palm and on my neck. Yuck yuck. But you got to admit they are beautiful. In a morbid disgusting kinda way. I then remembered that, I have close (near death?) and frightening encounters with snake. Twice. It was the time when my family were living in Bentong. We lived in this bungalow beside the hill with jungle spruce and the w...

Testing Testing

Testing tgk. Mengong laks rase. Lalala. So now I changed. The theme. Yeay. Blergh. I really want to change before this. I guess cyan really was not into me. Nor does the girl terdampar at the top. This is pretty OK. At least is not pink (Hear Hear Marq) . I meant I was thinking, pink can be the way to go. But then if I look at my pink colored blog everyday , I might just scratch my eyeballs out, so I opt not to use Pink colored blog as my theme. And I really like 3 column blog. Ever since I used the last one. I kinda like can put anything I like beside my entries. My very own personal bookmark. I don't even have to worry if I changed computer. Gasp! So I am b ack to my true origin which is kinda purplish. Whut do you guys called this color? Dark, dreary, depressing. But with a hint of flower to give a false presence of cheeriness. Yups. Perfect. Just like me. Yawn~ Today is Supernatural . Eik.. Yeay. I don't really like Jared Padalecki. I still thought of him as Rory's lose...

Grease Lightning

I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control. Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin' . Sounds familiar? Well that is because that is the lyric from Grease, You're the One That I Want. Shoots. I had always love Grease. I remembered watching it when I was small and prancing around afterwards. I also stumbled on my aunts book on Grease which have the lyrics and all the pictures from the movie which I loved to pore over. John Travolta was the hottest in the movie. When someone mentioned to me months ago that they'll be performing in KL, this is a DEFINITE NOT to be missed opportunity. My all time favorite movie, my all time favorite song, Summer Night (tell me more, tell me more..). A must see for self-professed Grease lover . So I bought the ticket that I can most afford so as to let myself really enjoy it. So got myself a seat that is not so shabby and can see the stage oh so clearly. So just got back. It was marvellous. ...

To Change or Not?

Kinda thinking.. to change my blog template.. but malasnye~ Since I couldn't be bothered to ponder and squint on my blog coding and make new designs, so I am looking for templates... Honestly either the design is way simple or some are just too wacky. Sigh~ Beggars can't be choosers I guess. I like this one. Herm. Maybe I will wait.. or just try one just for the heck of it. Maybe maybe.


I just got back from watching Mission Impossible 3. What? The title above do not match? Of course since I will not be talking about Mission Impossible. Anyhow just to add in my 1 cent worth, Mission Impossible is a good action flick. Great action, and all the showmanship of technology and Tom Cruise still rock as Ethan Hunt, also his wrinkles kinda suit him. Wink. Dunno if a gal around my age who now think wrinkles for guy looks becoming, is either showing a sign of maturity or it is just sad.However I do wish I get to see Jonathan Rhys Meyer to have more action. His crooked smile is cute. Anyhow, last Friday night I got an itch to see Poseidon. So I asked my friends who's readily available and one of my friend agreed out of boredom. I had always love the 1972 The Poseidon Adventure. I am not necessarily a fan of old movies, but this one I like. So when I heard they were gonna do a remake of the movie, I felt thrilled. I am not like some of those pessimist who think any remake is a...

Who? You?

What is it ? Is it a bug? A virus? A trend suddenly catching up? People are ignoring other reason unknown as rampant as leggings on celebrities today. I was asked by a person , heh, (don't want to put name la here) what make a guy ignored a girl. One day he can oh so lovey dovey and all. The next day , *poof*. He will disappear into thin air that you are suddenly thinking; are you not dreaming of that moment with him yesterday. I also find out that this do not just happens to guy. Or girl. Guys too have this moment. One day, everything seems fine, he think it is fine. The next day, the girl won't pick up the sms, call him back or admit that he exist in the same planet as her. People kept on asking why, why? We human are equipped with a brain and intelligence that we could not let this matter rest. What? I slurped my coffee too loudly? I laughed like a hyenas? I bored you to sleep? Or as one zany bachelorette put her view oh so clearly in public TV when she is not hand picked by...

Tidbits of Ho Chi Minh

About my trip to Vietnam. I would't tire myself (nor bored you) by reminiscing day to day thingies. I will just write whatever. My journey there ain't that bad. Went to KLIA for our flight. Remembered my last post when I said I hate travelling becoz it would make puke. I never puke once! Yeay. Eeekkyy stuff aside now. The MAS flight food was surprisingly good. Even though I was kinda amazed they put "bendir" in our nasi lemak. Probably kacang cost too much? We arrived at Ho Chi Minh near 10 a.m. However Immigration process takes forever so I was out of the airport near 11 a.m. The Immigration Officer there does look really apt in scrutunizing our face if it match the one in the passport though. You can say my trip to Vietnam is mostly a shopping trip. Lament, lament. I know I should go atravelling with younger personas. Nonetheless, I love shopping so that ain't bad either. Stepping into Ho Chi Minh city, the first thing you thought. They are many, many, many moto...
