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New Stuffs to Do When in PKP/MC0

Note: It is now Day 33 of MC0 and I feel we are all getting a lil crazy. 

You know how people keeps on saying that during all this time we are forced to stay at home we should learn a new skill or gain knowledge. Well that would be nice. But also be free to not feel like we have to do all this stuff. This is a life altering event that is damaging to our health, economy and mental well being. The main aim is to flatten the curve and get through it with us and our loved ones alive. So... sometimes we need to keep this in mind.

Now back to the usual rambles of...  

What I have been doing in this PKP or MC0? 

- Making sure all the kids got their online classes without issues. It is such a hassle. But you know. We have to do it. But it such a hassle! 

- Making sure all the homeworks get to the kids, then to the teacher. I swear arr, I feel like I have my own homework and deadlines to keep up with all the printing, screenshotting, overseeing and the scanning I have to do. 

- The cooking and washing dishes. Oh my God. So many meals, so many dishes. When this is all over I just wanna NOT COOK for 3 days. I think 3 days should be a nice limit right. We can't eat outside forever. 

- Exercising. I lost weight I tell you! 8kg! Woohoo! I did portion control, lessen my sugar intake and went up and down the stairs 30 times at least and more. Of course this past 2 days I had been relapsing, sigh. I am only human. There were cakes! And I am so tired! But I don't want all this effort to go to waste so I will restart again okeh. Which is why I haven't yet made the famed Dalgona Coffee. Apart from menggunakan alasan diet to not do it, I feel it is easy enough tapi the real reason is that I really malas to break out the mixer la. I did make the bread pudding caramel because everyone was hogging gardenia at one point. Mad. (I also haven't made my own bread). 

My bread pudding. The kids love it and it does feel like it is good for kids because it is kinda filling. I prefer the usual creme caramel. 

- Trying to color. Not like I have all the time. I started on this particular Klimt page few months back dan baru habis sekarang. That took some effort I tell you.

- Bought a game in Steam. I bought 2 Points Hospital game which is based very strongly on the old beloved game I love which was the Theme Hospital.

The game is almost identical and it wasn't hard for me to start off since I am already familiar with the old one, so I can play the game happily immediately. The pics are from my phone because I can't be arsed to see how I can screenshot it using my MAC.

- I had also banned TV time during the weekdays. I feel this is kinda hard on them but also I feel this is good. I just wanted to encourage play if they are not doing their school work. Not just stuck watching TV all the time.

- Now while I know we should save, I am looking at Cotton On Body and itching to buy their bras. I love their lingerie because it is comfy and it is on sale. And let me look at it again!

So long for now!


Drama Queen said…
I am officially IT Support for my household during Online classes. I basically have to be on standby before some technical issues happen - somehow, ada je technical problems during these classes. Benciiiiii
Dils said…
@Drama Queen - Haha. Oh yes Awal2 tu pening always someone tertekan itu ini, now the eldest got it enough and less issue. But mine is not that long I guess.


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