This is my first Mother's Day present. Was really into this bag all of a sudden. Then masuk kedai tu. Org tu cakap kalau datang on Sunday die org ade Mother's day celebration and special discount. Aku tak boleh dengar discount ni. Rase hati bagai ditarik2. So I put down my name to book and included in the VIP list and thought to myself "hey I am a mother .. totes deserves this bag".
Tapi cakap je lebih sebab sekarang ni once I am at home memang liat nak keluar. Nak berbaringan je. So bile time Sunday tu I mcm moody so I macam nak gi ke tak but then it is after 12. Nak pergi Midvalley after 12 memang tak kose la wehhh. Parking seksa. So cakap kat husband tadek mood la nak pergi beli bag. I had shown him this picture earlier and he didnt say anything. Aku pon macam 'hurmph' je la.
So tengahhari tu I tengok Reign at my computer while my husband rummage ape tah at one of the unused room while my son sibuk nak ikut ayah die sana sini. Dengar my husband cakap "bagi la kat mommy tuu" . Lo and behold my son grinning like he knows everything that innocent guy that he is and he is holding out the paper bag with my bag in it. Sudah dibelikan rupanye. Patut pon tadek encouragement nak gi Midvalley. Haha.
Anyway thank you my husband for this gift and for being a trooper this past month dealing with me.