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Showing posts from August, 2013


Some update sebelom gua punye team lead perasan gua tadek keje. - I sent little Ajis to taska! Poor baby. Mula-mula I sent him to a pengasuh that used to take care of my sister kids for awhile. She kinda reluctantly take him in, sebab she already have around 5 kids to take care of. But the other  3 kids she is taking care of are older kids so she think she can cope. However Ajis cry non stop dari start hantar so die bertahan dalam sejam setengah je there. Huhu. Next day tu she sent us a text saying she don't think so she can take care of Ajis. I dah risau takut no one would take him in. - However we did looked around some taska in the area. There is one which I love but my working hours and my family working hours making it really impossible to fetch him there on time. So we put that taska on hold for a while sampai my husband working placement is more permanent. He can go back earlier, while the earliest I can get home is 7.10 pm. Taska tu by 6pm dah kena amik. Susah la kan. ...

Update raya gaya malas dan lambat

Malas kuttt..  Raya kat Sarawak ni... my MIL ni jenis semangat waja beraya. Dari rumah ke rumah.. memang banyak la rumah menyinggah. Kat sana tu pukul 11.30 malam orang datang rumah tu.... NORMAL ok. Hahaha. Ade berbual with one of sedara mara orang Semenanjung yang baru je kahwin dengan orang Sarawak, die macam penat je and die cakap kenapa lewat sangat. So explain kat die memang die orang macam tu. Aku tak sure la if semua orang Sarawak memang camtu, tapi family husband and orang2 kampung die, memang camtuh. Kite ni.... go with the flow je la.  Tapi jangan buat kat Semenanjung oiii. Aku buat pekak je kalau orang bagi salam kul 11.30 malam. ( kalau dah orang tua tu takleh buat ape kuttt). So memang penat la beraya. Sampai sakit. Tidur pulak kat kampung tengah ruang tamu, fuh... habis la selsema mak dan anak. Bapak rilek sebab bapak memang orang situ. Our itinerary there is Bintulu - Balingian - Bintulu - Miri . Sekali sekala. Quite fun and tiring with baby in...

Eh eh

Last Thursday I was still on holiday. So we went to G.E Mall for lunch dengan Ajis. While husband settle his work stuffs at the office, I went around for a walk with little Ajis. (Gile penat handle sensorang tanpa stroller).  Anyway. Tengah duk pimpin tangan Ajis sambil die eksaited dan becok2 mulut berjalan bertembung with this makcik who is sitting down at one of the bench. She looked at my kid and asked  " Baru dapat kaki ke? Berapa bulan?" I smiled and said "Baru masuk setahun ni"  Boleh makcik tu macam make a face, juihkan bibir die and said.. "Setahun? Lambatnye jalan... selalunye budak 8 bulan dah berjalan ni. Setahun ni dah lambatt...."  Ade lagi kut die ngomel2 lebih tapi tak dengar sebab aku senyum nipiss sahaja and continue pimpin Ajis sambil guide die jalan laju-laju sikit out of hearing of the makcik.  Emo betul kau makcik, anak gueh lambat jalan. Cucu makcik aje la yang bagus.. *ini post mode terasa. tetiba kena c...

Birthday boy

Birthday boy and bapaknye. There was no celebration during his birthday last Saturday. Only lots of kisses and few toys we bought that we let him choose. He was really cranky by the end of the Toys R Us visit so the only thing he seems to approve of is a Big Bird soft toy. We displayed Elmo, Cookie Monster and Big Bird several times in front of him. Tuka-tuka, everytime we took away Big Bird die nangis, so we gave him that. Few mins later he threw Big Bird on the floor. Takpe. Beli jugak, kecik je pon. He seems to like it enough. Bought him his shoes too. He is now tottering here and there. Lebih banyak berjalan dah dari merangkak. Mommy slightly sad and a tiny bit hysterical trying to see if she had captured video of Ajis merangkak. Apart from that, ape lagi pon kan. Anyway, this is a short post only.. wanna wish you all selamat menyambut hari raya Aidilfitri. Baru plan nak berblogging dari kampung husband tapi data dah habis. 0_0 . Frak. Be merry and most of all, be saf...
