- I am drinking this nursing tea ni. Ala tea yang penuh dengan fenugreek dan tah hape rempah ratus to increase milk production. I rase la macam berkurangan, so before this I bought the Milkmaid Tea yang highly recommended, tapi tu kat rumah je. So at the office ni I bought Joy tea. Now I know why Milkmaid Tea is highly recommended walaupon expensive (RM40++ for I think 10 satchets. Ke 8 Aku reuse and reuse sampai dah tadek rase dah satchet tu baru buang. Haiii... saya kedekut ). I love Milkmaid Tea punye taste and smell. Very soothing. Not unlike usual herbal tea. This Joy one is HORRIBLE. It felt like I bancuh rempah kari instead. I put loads of honey in it, which only made it worse. Bahh. I think I will be sticking with the Milkmaid Tea. However I still got 4 more bag of the vile tea left. It is not in my kedekut nature to waste it, thus I must drink it. - This Saturday husband is home. This meannn, I can go out shopping with Ajis during the weekend! Without much hassle! We...
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