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Showing posts from November, 2012

Random Stuffs

- I am drinking this nursing tea ni. Ala tea yang penuh dengan fenugreek dan tah hape rempah ratus to increase milk production. I rase la macam berkurangan, so before this I bought the Milkmaid Tea yang highly recommended, tapi tu kat rumah je. So at the office ni I bought Joy tea. Now I know why Milkmaid Tea is highly recommended walaupon expensive (RM40++ for I think 10 satchets. Ke 8 Aku reuse and reuse sampai dah tadek rase dah satchet tu baru buang. Haiii... saya kedekut ). I love Milkmaid Tea punye taste and smell. Very soothing. Not unlike usual herbal tea. This Joy one is HORRIBLE. It felt like I bancuh rempah kari instead. I put loads of honey in it, which only made it worse. Bahh. I think I will be sticking with the Milkmaid Tea. However I still got 4 more bag of the vile tea left. It is not in my kedekut nature to waste it, thus I must drink it.  - This Saturday husband is home. This meannn, I can go out shopping with Ajis during the weekend! Without much hassle! We...


Akhirnya 30. Cewah. Macam tertunggu-tunggu pulak.  Surprisingly it is not that depressing. 30 is still young, but not naive. That is what I thought of 30++ people. There's nothing much I can say about today. I turned 30, big whoop. ( Am currently rewatching a lot of Sex and the City at the moment, so I maybe quoting a lot from that series). After all Sex and the City characters, I think all of the characters start their story there when 31 or 32 kan.  Husband tried to call me yesterday at midnight but I was busy also Ajis was sleeping. I am not too keen on people calling me nowadays. I prefer all contacts go through Whatsapp. Hahaha. Aku punye aversion to phone conversation ni memang tersangatla kronik. Maybe I come from the generation that first created txtspeakz or my 2 years stint at a call center put me off telephone call foreverrr.  There's nothing much I want from my birthday. Maybe Prada (sile tampar aku sendiri sebab earlier I said nothing much iteeww...

Tiny tot at 3 months

Baru 3 monthsss??? Rase macam dah lama. Anyway wanna update it but had been crazy busy. Aku benciii. So ni ade sedikit free time meh update sikit.  So what is new? Point form again yeaahh Tatkala malam dah ngantuk, tengkuk pon dah tak nampak.   - He now likes to meniarap. Bukan dengan sendirinye. Oh tidak sama sekali. Tadek tanda2 langsung nak move his butt, but if I tiarapkan die, he likes to look around with interest dan dalam 10 mins lepas tu die meraung. Tengok2 rupanye muntah. Bile meniarap je muntah. But it was a big step, than before this I tiarapkan die at 2 mths dulu, meraung tak suke.  - He does not like to sleep time siang sangat. Which made night time easier for me. Tapi kalau ade la mood die tu meragam, sakit nyawa jugak. But bile weekend memang aku penat la. If die dah boring main2 baring2 (which amount to like 10 mins, 20 mins max) then nangis la die mintak kena dukung.  - Bath time is still hit and miss. I think onl...

Gollywolly got spayed and other things (pemalas gile punye tajuk)

Gollywolly is now around 7 months and as the vet reminded us when we went to her last vaccination time puasa dulu, to bring her around to be spayed.  Aku lemah sikit nak bawak sebab nak kena kurung die ni and perhati sikit, tapi last week pikir2 alang2 I got a week holiday, I might as well got it done.  Walaupon kepala berkon, tapi tetap nakal. di depan ade wolly, di dalam buai ade Ajis Kemudian gigih aku keliling area Keramat, Wangsa Maju and Bukit Antarabangsa cari kon yang comel sikit. My maid pegi hilangkan the existing kon yang Kurap dulu pakai ( hanginnnn ). Last2 jumpa at Pet Save at Jusco AU2 tu.  So pakaikan yang ni. I like this kon because senang nak bukak and bersihkan kon tu. Macam first night tu, pagi besok tu bukak cage tengok Wolly muntah keliling cage, habis kon die kotor. Kesian die. Tak ke senang aku nak cabut dan bersihkan and it is just velcro.  Kenkadang I will clean the kon and give Wolly sometimes to jilat2 bulu die. D...
