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Showing posts from 2011

I owe 1 last post

The food in Rome!  I think by this time I gotten lazy, so the quality of the pics is not so nice.  During the first day, we headed to the halal Indian diner of sorts where I ordered the kari daging and husband ordered the roast chicken I think.  It was sedap tapi bapak banyakkk. Dah memang sesorang dasar ketamakkan, so order taknak share, amik ko. The daging that I gotten, is wayyy more than a family would eat. Apatah lagi untuk sorang makan. Gile. Tapi lebih separuh jugak habis. Probably I left about 3 or 4 daging on the plate. I can just feel my aorta getting thicker while eating it.  Another place we went to eat was at this obscure cafe somewhere I can never find again. It was cheap, which is why we chosen it. It kinda shows in the food why it is cheap as the food is just bordering on OK. (5EUR for a plate of spaghetti, where a lot of places we looked around is 11EUR). The left one is the seafood spaghetti of sorts which I ordered. The right...

I miss Fasha & Puteh

Anyway, I miss my 2 lost cats.  Memang suke terbongkang kat karpet I did not mentioned when Puteh died, he was actually euthanized. It is still a really sore topic for me, but it was the kinder thing to do than to let him further suffers through the pain. I felt guilty and I asked him and God many time to forgive me even to this day.  When I was in Venice I think my second day there, I woke up from sleep and have this sudden clarity. If I had let him live, he would die that very day. That day when I was in Venice, he would have perish in some veterinarian place and in pain. I felt a moment of peace then, for a while.  Maybe he won't, but at that day I had this almost surreal conviction that he would. I really miss his eyes and I wish I had him longer. Right now, I am itching to get another cat, like him, with his eyes. It is not really advisable, but I feel like I wanted to anyway.  However, I have Bobby now and I can't take up another cat to m...

Rome - Sights, Saw, Seeing

Not feeling too well. Didn't get enough sleep, so am gonna dive right in! We initially wanted to get the Roma Pass but it was sold out during the first day we were there, so we decided to go saw all the sights that is free or we don't plan using Roma Pass on the first day.  What is a Roma Pass, it is a pass that includes 2 free entry to the attraction you want to see, and subsequent attractions are at discounted price. You can also use it for the metro line and tram line ( bus line too, but we didn't use the bus there ).  It cost 25EUR per person, and buy it if you think it is worth it. It is worth it for me, just to skip the long line at Coliseum, however we did calculate to see the sights that would at least return back our modal beli Roma Pass.  So back to the top, we ( in here I ) decided to take an Archaebus to go and see the Appia Antica line more specifically I wanted to see the catacombs. I paid because it is my idea.  Sambil tu en...

Naples - Pompeii

I decided to do the post on Naples first, because well, it is easier. From Venice, we got on to Rome via Eurostar. On our third day at Rome, we went to Naples , and specifically to go to Pompeii. I always wanted to go there ever since I head of the place. Thus I did! Did plenty of research on how we are suppose to go there.  So if you are to be in Rome and you want to go to Pompeii, here's my tip Take a eurostar to Naples ( you can get a much cheaper train, but that takes longer. Look at trenitalia website for more details. You can get the discount from there). The cost that we paid from Rome to Naples for 2 is around 44EUR. I think . And from the main station ( Napoli Centrale ), you look for the Circumseviana line to take the local train, that head to Sorrento. You stop at Pompeii Scavi.  We didn't take that line. When we arrived at Naples we were in for a rude shock actually. The local train is on strike. And in front of all the closed ticket counters are ...

Kitteh Update

(Lets take a break from all the trip update) I kinda haz a sad when I wrote the title above. The last time I wrote a kitteh update is informing y'all that Fasha is sick and maybe she's getting better. Down sebentar.  I kinda miss her and Puteh too. Whenever I saw Puteh photos, him and his big ass anime eyes, I am so so sad. I feels like I failed them.  Anyway, as most of you knows, I picked up a stray on the very day I landed back in Malaysia. I just can't help myself. He was so tiny. Also tubby.  Now he is still tubby but I think other parts of him are filling up nicely too.  Still a bit buncit but not as ketara as before. But next week, I am going to the vet for Kurap booster shots, so I'll bring him along just to make sure. It is hard to take a decent pic of a kitten as they're so restless. The nicer one are in my proper camera, so I am only uploading the phone pic up here.  He is a fierce little thing ( complete opposite of Pu...
