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Showing posts from September, 2009

Raya Post Mortem

Dah kembali ke office. Feeling very very blues. Kenapakah tak cuti sebulan! Anyway. Sebab macam busy, I will do my updates briefly in bullet points! Berat badan - Aku horror. My brother last week telah mengeluarkan penimbang (which someone given me as a wedding present. Adakah itu hint untuk aku turunkan berat badan?). My husband paksa aku timbang and I was AGHAST when my berat skyrocketed 10 kg plus. Rupanye husband yang saiko yang gi tekan penimbang tu dari belakang. Takpe saya telah membelasah die. Berat badan tetap naik tapi tidak begitu horror. Tapi still aku horror. Gambo Rayo - This year my Bro in Law asked a friend of his untuk amik gamba beramai-ramai. We never had such gambar you know. Well, never in recent history. I think the last time I saw such gambar masa zaman muda-muda. And alang-alang, all the family menantu and adik beradik going to be there, bile lagi nak bergambar begitu. So we did. Makanan raya adalah seperti biasa. Rendang, sate goreng, ketupat, lemang, nasi beri...

Post with pics

Sebab aku malas nak pikir tajuk. Anyway, I think most of us sudah in mood raya. Mana yang berkerja, mesti liat je nak buat keje (moi!). Mana yang dah cuti agaknye sudah excited nak balik sambil nyanyi lagu raya if not out loud, at least di dalam kepala or playing it on their car audio player. Me, personally never like lagu raya. I guess I associate it with my childhood years. Balik kampung, dozing in the car while the car stereo playing Raya songs while my Dad was driving. After my Dad died, I noticed that I never care much about lagu raya and hate it when other people speakers is blaring lagu Raya out loud. I was never sad, just I don't really like it. So you people who like to blare out loud lagu raya at the office, don't do so. Not ALL people have the same preference okeh? (Jab lagi nak mintak maap, so aku sound-sound je dulu) Mari cerita pasal Fasha dan Kurap sebentar. Nak gamba sebagai brief intermission. By the way, tomorrow we will be sending off Fasha and Kur...

Raye Bla Bla Bla

and 10 minutes later bla. Nothing to it. Everyone is busy bercerita pasal raya. So I'll guess I take a swing on the subjects too. Baju raya: A kebaya newly made few months back but never got a chance to wear it. Baju nikah hari tu. Hehe. And whatever nice baju kurung I can find. Kueh Raya: Baru beli semalam sedikit untuk consumption sendiri sambil tengok series. Konfem makin gemok! Barang-barang baru untuk raya: Well, nothing yet as we are still living at my sis's house. Accessories: Beli tudung je la. RM5 per piece. Quite a steal. Duit raya: Sudah ditukar belom di letak dalam sampul. Balik kampung: Tak lama lagi. Yippee. And we are going back to JB first this year. And the bestest thing ever is that: all of my siblings would be here for raya. Yeay! Thinking to do a family photo, tho it will be very difficult. Sebab my mom mesti "Malas la nak amik gamba". Cats: Sudah diarrange untuk dihantar petboarding. Kesian. Nak aje bawak Fasha. Tapi knowing Fasha mesti explore ta...


I am amazed at 1. People who move their mouse by picking it up and putting it down repeatedly. I tried it. It doesn't work for me? 2. People who still like the new NKOTB (new as in this year release) songs. Giler annoying and its a pile of turd masquerading as music. 3. Fasha my cat yang maseh suke tido at my feet even though there is a big space on the bed next to me if my husband outstation. 4. Women who wear tudung yang berbelit-belit without using ANY pins and tudung mereka an lawa dan kemas walaupon di tengah ribut, angin bertiup sakan-sakan bahasa. Guna inner energy ke ape? Kalo aku, by 1 jam berlalu mula la serot berot, that one end dah pegi ke mana. Hish. Berpin-pin aku guna. Nampak sangat memang selekeh by nature. Wargh! 5. Those yang tak makan banyak, but still mahu nak pergi buffet Ramadhan di sana sini. 6. myself yang setelah sekian lama, berjaya habiskan Tale of 2 Cities by Dickens. Seriously... susah to pick up. I enjoyed David Copperfield and Oliver Twist immensely, ...

My Lunchtime Activity Lately

Reading books at Borders that I had wanted to read for quite some time but I was not too incline to buy it unless the books are really good. Cheapskate but this is one way to save money ! Finish reading Persepolis 1 on last Thursday and Friday. Now to Book 2. So far? Quite good. Its in comic strips form ( well it is technically a graphic novel, though the art is not lavish but does the job quite well), so it does not take that long to finish it. Image extract from Persepolis 1. Taken from site ( But I do like the idea of an autobiography being told in a comic form. Much more entertaining. Most autobiographies are so dull. I like her sense of humour in this novel too. So my lunchtime for Ramadhan are being spent in an enjoyable manner. Hehe.

Ini sepatutnyer entri lama

but I gotten busy. So ya know that I went back to JB last weekend. Best y'all. Yang tak best, have a sudden hankering for chicken chop kat Jalan Dobi tapi memang kenot pegi la bulan pose as makanan berlambak-lambak time buka. I thought that the food for berbuka on Saturday was immense, with the kueh mueh, sup and mi , murtabak and some other things I forgot. But on Sunday it surpasses all. You see my mom masak sup and bubur aje petang tu. And I thought it would be just that y'all. Die pesan la to us to buy us some rojak. I couldn't find the rojak and bought pasembor and tauhu bakar thinking it would suffice. Bile balik aku macam menganga la tengok meja makan tu tak cukup space dah. Sempat pulak tu die masak mee bandung skali and roti john sardin (sebab paling cepat guna sardin je la). I sometimes think that my mom still think that her children is still in their teens when we used to menghabiskan 3 pinggan of nasi each every meal. Sebelom berbuka sempat snap kejab using came...

Kittehz LOL

Pic of course by: I am thinking to do this next time when kittehz is due for baftime. Our hands (well, especially husband hands because I will try to avoid kittehz baft duties when I can) will be scratched up real bad when it is time for their bath. p/s: Got back yesterday around noon and the cats is alive. Maybe a more lengthy post later.
