Those who are in the knows of our local authors... well should know Lydia Teh. She's the one who recently wrote Honk! If you're Malaysian. I have to be honest that I didn't read the book. I was reading the interview she gave earlier.. to NST or Star or.. tah.. and got tad bit envious that she are able to achieve a dream so many can't.. getting a book published, print and quite a lot of people buying it. Mine.. I am too poor. Haha.. Ok ok.. I have a tendency to read fantasy and children books and those books that I love to buy and lovingly add in my ever growing collection. I was eyeing her book and also those Adibah Amin installments and sighing my lack of money and my ever expanding list of book collections to be bought. But this post is about the latest contest she is throwing! So are you tight for money? Scrounging in the garbage can for food? Or are green with envy whenever you see someone picking up a book that you had been drooling for weeks (but can't afford)...
to Frets and Stuffs