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Showing posts from September, 2007

Lydia Teh is being generous

Those who are in the knows of our local authors... well should know Lydia Teh. She's the one who recently wrote Honk! If you're Malaysian. I have to be honest that I didn't read the book. I was reading the interview she gave earlier.. to NST or Star or.. tah.. and got tad bit envious that she are able to achieve a dream so many can't.. getting a book published, print and quite a lot of people buying it. Mine.. I am too poor. Haha.. Ok ok.. I have a tendency to read fantasy and children books and those books that I love to buy and lovingly add in my ever growing collection. I was eyeing her book and also those Adibah Amin installments and sighing my lack of money and my ever expanding list of book collections to be bought. But this post is about the latest contest she is throwing! So are you tight for money? Scrounging in the garbage can for food? Or are green with envy whenever you see someone picking up a book that you had been drooling for weeks (but can't afford)...

Suite Francaise & A Case of Need

I had just finished reading the books listed on the left. ( Couldn't think of a better topic at the moment) Suite Francaise and A Case of Need. Takes a bit of a time to read Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. A bit depressing. No surprise there. It was suppose to be a 5 part novels but the authors only manage to finish it up to only 2 part (Storm in June & Dolce) before being deported to Auschwitz and died there later (reportedly of typhus). It was an interesting read. It was not an autobiography such as Anne Frank written things on war such as hope and human characters. Its a novel. I could say... a novel about disillusionment of people or how people behave when in wars. I was always fascinated to read about World War II. That is truly a world war indeed. The book is something like the author interpretation of what she sees around her. What is more interesting, was in reading the Appendix and Preface. The appendix showed us how the authors plot her stories and characters. In...

Something to think about..

People are in an uproar regarding the death of the poor girl. I have nothing to say more. Those who know me personally, know I have a lot to say regarding this topic since I do think education and protection and campaign on child safety is the utmost importance and a cause I believe in and would like to contribute to , but for this blog.. it would serve no purpose to add more soundbites. Just let's not chalk this up as another tragedy and hope crimes on children can be lessened. I also do hope that those who are foaming at the mouth regarding this, would not completely forget about this a week later and the next time they see a child alone, unsupervised, or in a potentially dangerous situation, to not just give casual remarks on their blogs as something to write about. It feel ... weird to write a cheerful thoughts on the next paragraph considering the depravity and gravity of the past week discovery. So I am just gonna end my post here.


Fall! Oncoming! Oy. Why should I care? Malaysia weather condition is either raining, hazy or super hot. There is 1 thing to look forward tho. Brand new series and the start of a new season. My computer is groaning under the weight of Prison Break (which start next week btw and which I don't watch anymore..), Ugly Betty, Shark, Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights and Heroes. Not to mention... Medium, Supernatural and House which I had been collecting. And let's briefly remembered the newly deceased series which I loved, Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls. Just look at the list above. Isn't that just... amazing... On how much free time I have in my hands to watch them all. {slightly hysterical} Are you freakin kidding me? Free time? What free time? Do you know that I timed carefully in watching my series and try to squeeze in as many as possible even berus gigi pon sambil tgk series. Ehem. Ok maybe not in that extreme.. but some people are amazed on how many actually I watc...

Things get depressing

Where do I start? Let me kick it up with the more important things in my life first and then we go on eh.. So everybody.. well basically most people in the workplace and my family are asking, what happened to the new job? Frankly I am sick of talking it out anymore. I had just literally talk myself hoarse last week, explaining to my supervisors (including ex-previous), recapping it to interested colleagues and recapped the recapping to other interested parties. The whole goss is like this, got the offer from previous company, need to get some clarifications and some details that are needed to make the whole deal works from existing company (which I had persistently asked from several parties without any satisfactory answer), which then existing company totally ignore and even was insulted to own face. Therefore unable to give any definite answer to previous company offering job, initial great offer was reduce to just blergh OK offer which will set me back with serious debts, so had to ...

Uninspiring Post

Bulan puasa and of course Raya is nearing. And unlike you guys.. I am not that thrilled on Raya. Maybe because the possibilities of getting a long holiday is null and money low. But at least there will be Soto. Eiii.. Soto. Cis.. puasa belom lagi.. dah pikir food untuk Raya. Tsk~ Anyway, I am feeling rather uninspired today. Maybe because with all the hoopla and delay with my company HR. Stoopiid. I couldn't be bothered to bother them today. I will storm in tomorrow. I hate unresolved issue. But I usually make it worse by procrastinating that unresolved issue. If it is a particularly bothersome and needs lengthy explanation and tedious work... I will prolong it even more. Not good. But hey.. I did try my sub par best and if the other party is also a procrastinator, its like a long drawn battle. So.. I am bored.. And I do not feel like typing any original thoughts today. Since I rarely nowadays menjadi poser by posting in the Friendster bulletin boards the personality test/revealers...
