Its October now.
Our Covid cases are rising no thanks to the politicians. And right now I felt like they are really dropping the ball in handling the crisis. I wont say more because then the language will get more colourful.
Anyway... whats up?
Its been tiring. My little boy was in the hospital end of August due to high fever. My youngest ni while even sick , his energy is still really high. Then afterwards of course another great water crisis hit Selangor yet again. Its almost as dramatic as last year one. But the difference was last year I was handling it alone while this year I manage to get my husband to book us an apartment in Genting to get away for a while from the non water issue. Genting was boring btw. We ended up in Bentong for ice cream and nasi lemak.
Then we went to Tioman. My 2 siblings and their family and my mom. It was good.
Last time we spent time at Bharat which was very peaceful and laidback, but payar beach resort is interesting too.
Then my kid got mild chicken pox ( the same youngest one). And now we got covid cases rising and a lot of us are afraid to go out much. Lots of parents are also not sending their kids to school. I am not included in it, but lets not get into that.
What I had been doing instead? Same old. Read. Kdramas. Play the violin. Binge on some shows.
Anyway. I want to talk more but not feeling up to it more. Also its 2 am.