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Showing posts from April, 2020

New Stuffs to Do When in PKP/MC0

Note: It is now Day 33 of MC0 and I feel we are all getting a lil crazy.  You know how people keeps on saying that during all this time we are forced to stay at home we should learn a new skill or gain knowledge. Well that would be nice. But also be free to not feel like we have to do all this stuff. This is a life altering event that is damaging to our health, economy and mental well being. The main aim is to flatten the curve and get through it with us and our loved ones alive. So... sometimes we need to keep this in mind. Now back to the usual rambles of...   What I have been doing in this PKP or MC0?  - Making sure all the kids got their online classes without issues. It is such a hassle. But you know. We have to do it. But it such a hassle!  - Making sure all the homeworks get to the kids, then to the teacher. I swear arr, I feel like I have my own homework and deadlines to keep up with all the printing, screenshotting, overseeing and th...

Park Bo Young - Bests of

I love Park Bo Young.  First of all she is so darn cute. Secondly she is the same height like me. So aku jua boleh bajet cute pendek like her!!! ( Ah let me have my fantasy) .  I can't review all of her drama series since I didn't watch all of her works. Come on. I have my limits.  So I will review the last 3 she was in...  I won't go into much details. Just going with the flow here. So here... from worst to best.  ABYSS Plot:   Cha Min ( An Se Ha) and Ko Se-Yeon (PBY) died, and they came back from the dead looking completely different from their old self. There is also the main mystery of the series - which is finding and catching the serial killer who killed Se Yeon. Review:  Absolutely a waste of my time. I hate it so much.  I wanna pile on it more but really, it is just not worth it. Just NO. Was Park Bo Young OK in this? She absolutely nailed it of course, especially when she have to play dual roles. But...
