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Bye November, Hello December

From my new laptop. 

Hahaha. Eh I wish I could insert emoticons here. Who knows maybe in 10 years time, emoticons are included even in staid news article. 

I dont think I have raved about my baby. Terrible. I should have update more about him, but maybe I should start now. 

He is gonna be 6 months soon. I had already fed him solid. Eh I know lah. I saw that he is ready and I am only starting once a day baru. He hated avocado, but love the store bought rice cereal for baby. So whatever works! 

Anyway. I think I had mentioned that I had someone who came in during the day to help out with the kids and the chores. She quit after 3 months. I don't think I am that hard of a person to work with, but whatever. I think she found a better paying job and I hope she can keep at it because she is kinda terrible at my work. 

I hate relying on helper or maid. It is just something that I don't like. I don't like strangers in my house. So that means my house is messy and sticky and greasy sometimes. Sigh. With 3 kids I don't know what I am doing because the second after I mopped the floor it is sticky again after the kids had their food and snacks. Sigh. 

Anyway, I was planning to talk about my baby Sarip. He is not a cuddly baby. Meaning that he loves to be carried but hugged when sleeping, not so much. I miss that. Aziz when he was a baby especially loves that. I think he still loves it now because he always seems to be at someone armpit when he sleeps. Now it is brother. 

Sarip also love the new buai. I was thinking that perhaps this time my baby don't need no stinking buai. But how the hell other mother manage to put down their baby to sleep without it, I don't know. My kid will quickly wakes up once we put him down or stop patting him. And once my helper decided to quit, I will waste 2 or 3 hours I can spend cleaning just trying to put him to sleep. Buai it is! 

Other than that, he is the sunniest cheerful baby ever. He loves to smile. He have a hint of a dimple coming in, but not quite come through when he is smiling. In  16 years time girls would go gaga over that. LOL. ( Perasan anak akan jadi idola ramai)

It is now cuti sekolah and I had lost 3 freaking kgs, for I don't know what reason because I keep on reaching for chocolate when I am stressed out. My kids decided to help on one of my sanity chocolates and I almost lost my mind. I totally now I understand what the mother in "Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup" now feels like. 

Stopping now because I have my eye on a book I wanna buy at Betterworldbook. I have no idea why I keep on buying books when I have hardly time to shampoo my hair. 

Here's a picture of Sarip feeling disgusted at the idea of me shoving avocado in his mouth. Your loss Sarip! Mommy totally gonna make herself jus alpukat using your stock of avocados now! 

And hello... I am typing I this from my brand new HP laptop courtesy of my husband gift to me for my 35th birthday. I am 35 right, I am in denial of my age after 33. I am so excited to own a laptop that is my own. Not a loan, and not from work. But my own whatever the hell I am gonna do/install laptop. I wish I can put up a rude wallpaper but I have kids to think about now. 



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