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Saif and Aziz update of sort

First of all I wanna start with the Raya of 2016 updates. What the eff la Dils, raya is like ages ago. Buttt... well, nothing special pon, though I manage to wake up late masa raya which pissed off my husband, huhu, stress tul. But no worries afterwards lepas tu ok je. 

I aint feeling like uploading one Raya pic because there is no decent ones except of the kids and those are in FB so biar lah. But masa raya ke 3 tu, we went to Kluang to visit some relatives and came back with these cute bicycle. 

Aziz is not thrilled that he have to kayuh beca for his baby brother. Anyway, the bicycle is safe enough but I was upstairs when it happened , it seems like around 10 pm after we finish beraya and the kids are still hyped up , they were playing downstairs and heard suddenly Saif cried like I never heard before. You know the difference la kan, if your kid nangis jatuh sebab sakit, or nangis sebab something is like seriously wrong.

So it seems like somehow when trying to get down from the bicycle he fell and hit his head on the sharp edge of the wall. And at first there seems to be a lot of blood which scared me because he is still a baby. 

Off we went to the clinic and then to the hospital. Left Aziz at my mom which Aziz was sad about, but cheered up when we opened his favorite show. So berkampung la us 3 at the emergency up til 3 am. The wound was cleaned up and options was given. Alhamdulillah nothing is wrong and the cut walaupon a bit deep but small so he don't need any stitches. Just let it heal naturally and not shower his head for 5 days. Masam betul la kan. 

He was crying piteously for mommy here. Kesian baby boy.

Also I just now realized I didnt do a "Hey Aziz is 4" post. This is why I am not a top mommy blogger, 

Anyway he is now 4. And I realized he is plenty of smart, kind and basically a very lovely boy. A bit loopy sometimes and have a tendency to tune people out if he is concentrating on something. Like his fav tv show. 

I decided to just send birthday cake to his school and make party packs to his class and nursery. 

I ordered his birthday cake from my sister friend. I like her cakes and I know she can do drawings so she did this. Maybe it is not so grammatically correct but eh.. ok je. I tanye Aziz sedap ke tak die jawab off topic. So who knows. Haha. But he was excited to see this cake sebab die cakap nak kek Iron Man so Iron Man la die dapat. I dont opt for the edible image because Aziz hated those edible image. I think Jaja ( the baker) did a pretty good job too. 

And the party packs, amongst the chocolates and raisins and candies, I also put in those cheap Marvel superhero coloring books with cheap color pencils, and printed an iron man mask for the kids for them to play around. 

Printed and pasted it onto the box , kekonon ikut theme.
Also buat some queen cakes or some might know as fairy cake. Kinda like a cupcake, but more lighter version .

I had just learned that making icing is hella easy. 
Party packs ke nursery. Class lain . 
This is the class sebab class punye ade buku kaler. Huhu. 

Anyway, majlis die pon time masa jamuan hari raya so that I don't have to do things twice and more kids get to enjoy cake. He was pretty happy about it and I don't ask for pics because eh.. I dont mind. He is tickled that he came also also with a bag and said somebody gave him coloring books and colour pencils. Which he lost immediately. Sigh. I hope the other kids enjoy the coloring books though. 



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