I am one of the people who believed that there are such things as ghosts in this world. Or the supernatural elements. Up to a certain point, tahap tak jejaskan agama la. I think the same as almost everyone else.
Myself had experienced some things that I can't explained away. Especially zaman asrama dengan awal duduk UTP. Bile dah lama duk UTP tadek pulak experience mende2 ngarut dah. Mungkin sebab makin ramai budak serupa setan dan diri pun macam setan gak kenkadang, setan pon cabut lari.
Anyway.. masa tengah pantang tu this house is in the midst of renovation. Memula my husband plan to sleep at the house while I pantang at my sister house at Melawati. Dekat sangat je dengan Bukit Antarabangsa. But tak jadi sebab he prefers being with us.
Orang kata kalau kite dah lama tak duduk kat rumah, mende lain datang singgah. Orang kata! Haha. Wallahualam, maybe there are some truth to it. Sebab few days after we got back, Aziz tetiba nangis datang kat I cakap 'ade hantu' and tunjuk kat this room that had just been converted to the kids room. Before this it was the storeroom. I just pujuk him and distracted him away. The second time he was playing on our bed while I susukan Saif, and tetiba die terus datang beside me and tunjuk the door cakap ade hantu.
Meremanggg.. Dalam takut takut tu ade jugak rase curious nak tanye Aziz macam rupa hantu, tapi tak payah laaa nak cari bahana. I just go to the door and said " dah .. dah.. pergi tempat lain". Tanye balik die cakap.. "tadek dah". So time tu pon I dah boleh solat, baca la surah2 and for the first few days pasang ayat Quran throughout the house. I also pesan husband to solat at the kids room while I solat at our room.
Memula ingat lepas the 2 incidents tu tadek dah, but after 2 weeks die tunjuk arah toilet. Muka cam nangis cakap " Mummy.. hantuu.. ade banyak hantu". I also went to the place he showed , bawak hanger and pukul the air around me. Hahaha. I don't know if it was wise, but I also do not want my son to be unnecessarily afraid. Malam tu jugak aku baca Yaasin.
But afterwards dah several weeks in Alhamdulillah nothing was said about any sorta entiti in the house. Mungkin betul la ade 'mende' singgah for a while and then go away. Or it maybe a figment of his imagination, though at this age, kids imagination are not that develop yet. Wallahualam.
Once I caught him with a hanger, brandishing it around pintu toilet cakap "pergi tempat lainn". Huhuhu... If indeed, maybe the 'thing' respected his wish sebab lepas tu die continue main macam biasa.
Moga Allah peliharakan and jauhkanlah our sons and daughters from evil in this world.
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My brave little boy. |