Ajis is now 6 months!
Can guling2 at last!
Boleh mengesot ke kiri kanan to see people around him.
Makan dengan jayanye. I think he is ready for bubur and biscuits next, instead of all those purees.
Can recognize people, tapi don't mind people picking him up. Peramah orangnye.
Can say 'mamamamamama'. Try to ask him to add 'mi' to no avail. I am not a mama person Ajis!
Macam ade gigi, tapi tak berjaya lagi tengok giginye. Die tepis our hand away, even when he is sleeping.
The cats
Kurang sikit selsemanye sesekor. Especially Kurap yang asyik bersin mengeluarkan hingus hijau.
Few days back I forgot to buy their wet food. Usually twice a day I'll give them the wet food on top of kibbles a bit. So when none is left, I bagi cat treats. Tetiga ekor tu bolayan. Kurap datang sniffs and look at me with a disgusted look in her face. Rupa macam aku bagi taik ayam je gayanye. Poyo sangat kekucing aku ni.
Hectic. Penat. Neverending. Tolonglah habis cepat.
Tah la weh. Sibuk main candy crush saga ni to think of what is bothering me. Distractions, distractions.
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Perut seksi |
Can guling2 at last!
Boleh mengesot ke kiri kanan to see people around him.
Makan dengan jayanye. I think he is ready for bubur and biscuits next, instead of all those purees.
Can recognize people, tapi don't mind people picking him up. Peramah orangnye.
Can say 'mamamamamama'. Try to ask him to add 'mi' to no avail. I am not a mama person Ajis!
Macam ade gigi, tapi tak berjaya lagi tengok giginye. Die tepis our hand away, even when he is sleeping.
The cats
Kurang sikit selsemanye sesekor. Especially Kurap yang asyik bersin mengeluarkan hingus hijau.
Few days back I forgot to buy their wet food. Usually twice a day I'll give them the wet food on top of kibbles a bit. So when none is left, I bagi cat treats. Tetiga ekor tu bolayan. Kurap datang sniffs and look at me with a disgusted look in her face. Rupa macam aku bagi taik ayam je gayanye. Poyo sangat kekucing aku ni.
Hectic. Penat. Neverending. Tolonglah habis cepat.
Tah la weh. Sibuk main candy crush saga ni to think of what is bothering me. Distractions, distractions.
Ajis dah bertambah hensemlaaaah. Jaga2 mummy, satu hari nnt anakmu ini bisa mencairkan hati aweks. Haha.
Milo kat umah ni pun bertambah x sihat, dik. Stool yang tak cantik. Tak tahu kenapa. Dah tu pulak, merata dia membuat onar. Stress akak.
Kesiannye Milo. Mesti tak sihat. Berharap sangat makin baik Milo tu ye Kak. Cuba la bawak die ke luar taman ke ape kasik die suke2 jalan2 hidup udara luar.