So it is the end of Ramadhan. Had I fully utilized it. I have to say no. I also been in my period for half of Ramadhan. So thats that. Not that my 'perangai' is any better. Aside from that, this Ramadhan in MCO had its challenges. Finding new dishes to cook, finishing the many many food that my mom cooked, waking up almost every sahur to prepare meals when I am not a sahur person at all. I am also missing and not missing the raya bazaar. I miss going through the stalls of food, but the food we sometimes ordered from the taman whatsapp had been pretty great too and had never got a disappointment (tak sedap,basi,etc) like if you buy food from a ramadhan bazaar. What about Raya? I don't intend to cook much this Raya though because my husband will be buying lemang and my mom will cook sayur lodeh for all. There is a ketupat palas I will probably boil tomorrow. On the second day of Raya I will cook laksa Sarawak. I had already made the sambal belacan in advance yesterday. I am...
to Frets and Stuffs