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Showing posts from May, 2017

Selamat Beribadah di Ramadhan

I think I do it well enough if its a short burts sorta entry.  - Tomorrow Ramadhan, and sahur pon aku taknak masak. Hey... I had never been a sahur type of person before but also realized am like 37 weeks pregnant so have to have sustenance. Also I can't move around too much without feeling like my water gonna broke and I am going to go into labor.  - My surgery is scheduled around next week. I am nervous.  - Still have a lot of things to be prepared. At least baju dah basuh. Tomorrow basuh mittens and booties and towel. Then sterilize bottle and breast pump. Then kemas barang. Need to also kemas baju for my kids. So many stuffs still need to be done.  - I am tired all the time.  - I don't know how I am gonna handle 3 kids without my husband being around most of the time. Don't know, don't know pon... kena lah get through it. LOL.  - Baby is active and kicking around now. Probably happy her mom is drinking horlicks. Funny how when I ...
