Hola. Masa ni adik buli abang, abang cry, so we asked him to mintak maaf and hug. See Aziz tear stained face. Let's start with the littlest baby update first. He is OK. Insya Allah. Currently 26 weeks. Baru lepas jumpa gynae and my weight shot up 3 kg, terus kena warning kena cut down makan sikit. LOL. (tapi i tak rase i makan banyak pon)..... Anyway oh I did update the baby in the womb is a he. We are gonna have 3 boys! Husband picit kepala je la. I have to admit I was a little disappointed but to be honest, not too disappointed. I was prepared for a life of all boys in the family if it comes to that, so I am happy either way. There is a little longing to shop for cute things but I have nieces for that. As for Saif, he is becoming a handful. I don't know if it is the middle child syndrome ke ape but he not as easy to handle as Aziz. If we open Youtube for him ( if he found one of our old functioning phone we keep on to keep the kids entertained if need...
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