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Showing posts from June, 2016

A somewhat malas update.

Selamat Berpuasa.  I may need to start taking vitamin. After the rotavirus, I am now down with flu/demam, who knows.  Traffic is horrendous.  Buka puasa yesterday was a feat in itself as I reached home near 7pm dan bile azan baru I masak dengan terketar2 because I am sick.  Hence today no cooking. Beli lah ape2 kat bazaar.  But not puasa-ing anyway because my period came early during the 3rd day of puasa. At 6.30 pm.  We went to buka puasa at Thaba Village and they said this year is their last Ramadhan buffet. T_T  Last weekend I was at the computer table next to the printer. Saif sidled up next to me, open up the printer output tray , take out a sliced bread I remember giving them the the previous weekend and start eating it. And I saw in the printer tray there is another bread. OMG. I can't stop laughing.  There are currently A LOT of kittens pooping at my yard. The next door kittens. I just tak larat to clean o...

Rotavirus nightmare

It had been silent for a while because I had been tired. My husband was out of town for about a month and a few days before he is due back, bile I nk pick up my kids from my sister's house she mentioned that Aziz keeps on puking everything. Later that night, it was just not him, it was him and his brother. So on Thursday , took an EL and brought them to the hosp. Saif is cheerful even though with the puking and pooping but Aziz is wiped out. Their usual doctors is on leave so brought them to another doctor because I am concerned looking at Aziz who was actually puking at the hospital reception. Perbezaan tenaga adik dan abang boleh nampak dari segi gaya.  Doctor believed this might be a rotavirus going around because it seems like there is an epidemic going around at the moment, and have to watch Aziz closely. By the next day he was not any worse but not any better also. So I SMS his doctor and he asked me to bring him to the hospital. Leave Saif at my sister ho...
