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Showing posts from January, 2012

Delayed Rage

This is a delayed rage. Driving to work this morning, a car suddenly stop to the side slightly, open his driver side door wide open and spit onto the road. I had to slam on the brake as so to not hit his door.  I mean really?? The desire to spit is so mighty that you just have to pull your car at the side of the busy road and open your door and spit!  I just can't comprehend this.  And that is all I want to update. Bit too short for a blog post entry, but too long for twitter but hey, why not. Not feeling too hot lately, so blog updates can be very sparse. Maybe when things pick up again.

Train Robbery & Song of Ice and Fire Book 3

The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Great Train Robbery is a historical fiction as described, so it is based on a true case of well, the Great Train Robbery. At first I was moaning how boring it was, but it was because he was first describing and explaining how the railways are becoming important and such and it was a bore. At first! I need to only brace myself for the first 20 or 30 pages of boring description, before thoroughly enjoying all the others. It was written well, in true Crichton fashion. No dithering, no over excessive description. So it makes for a quick read. I enjoyed the explanation on the economic and social aspect of England in the 1800s, and some interesting side explanation. I enjoyed it thoroughly and it was interesting and intriguing. No muss and fuss historical fiction thriller. A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really, really like this book. So far, this book had been...
