I had been late and you had not been great. What happened earlier this year? Nothing much. Lockdowns, PDPR and more lockdowns and PDPR. Things are getting worse which is ridiculous because the lockdown had been long. The second kid is now in Standard 1 and my heart ached for him that for his last year in kindergarden and his first year in primary was mostly stuck at home, learning from the tablet. As for the other... I can't think of more. I just want to write here quickly before June disappears, and I didn't make an entry before the latter part of the year. My husband and I though had been vaccinated. First dose. Now its the waiting game and hoping we dont get covid first before we can manage the second dose. In the mean time, I am still thankful for whatever protection the first dose may offer for now. I will talk more. But later. More scanning to do. I do not want it to be a bare post, so here's a pic of my eldest with his Seni homework...
to Frets and Stuffs