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The kids

He fell asleep , Brownie saw him there and plopped right next to him. Brownie is also a big cuddly teddy bear. 

Aziz is in his Upin and Ipin attachment phase. Balik sekolah kalau boleh selalu nak berUpin and berIpin. Gah. I need to distract him to do more worthwhile stuffs but sometimes I am so busy I just let him be, also sometimes so malas too. He watched Upin and Ipin so much he is beginning to sound like them. 

Reading about anak Filla punye imaginary friend, I remembered now that Aziz had one too. He called him 'Kun' which to me sounded a lot like a name a Jin would have. So I don't really encourage this behavior though I do ask some. I am fine with imaginary friends, I have some, but at the time I was older and I am lonely and needed something to be attached to. So I create some imaginary friends but am well aware it is my creations. He don't really play with his 'Kun' anymore because I think his real life friends at his playschool is more satisfactory and also he make believed that Upin and Ipin friends are his friends. So I am ok with that. 

Still seeing ghosts. Though half the time I am not sure if its real or not. But sometimes the terror in his eyes are real, so its unfair to not be unsympathetic to this ( also very scary to me late at night). 

Makan still payah but nowadays since adik die dah start makan nasi, aku terus bagi sekaligus untuk dua orang. This makes it easier for both of us, since he likes to eat bile ade 'geng' and cut down my feeding time to the kids. Though now he is beginning to be picky where before this tadek pon. Tetiba taknak makan sayur hijau or 'daun' as he said it. Then 2 hari lepas he said .. "no carrot" terus kena sergah dengan mak die. Pandai pon telan and now makan je carrot tanpa banyak cerita. Haha. I can't stand picky eater lah. 

Very much attached to his father. Hari Jumaat tu I have to WFH because Saif is sick and instead of his father as usual, I picked him up . Memula excited because .."yeay.. school habis!" then... "mana ayahhh.. aziz nak ayah.. ayah best". Haha. Well I have to admit his father do play with him a lot more than I. Tunggu la nanti ayah kena outstation. 

Kena barricade so nangis sebab takleh pass through, cannot go.. have to be there crying his eyes out. Excuse the mess, I was harried. And I am in the process of wrapping my books so books are everywhere!

Saif baru je baik from his salmonella poisoning sekarang selsema pulak. I think it is the combination of the haze and jangkit from mommy. This is why I have to WFH on Friday. Saif was so excited to have his mom the whole day that he refused to sleep! My husband have to come back just before lunch hour because I tinggalkan my power adapter at the office so he helped to drive me and Saif to my office and then I drop him at his. Saif tido for a little while kat dalam kereta so he felt that is enough and spent the whole afternoon playing. Huhu. Naseb baik la I don't really have to work, only just be online. 

Saif also is at the stage where it is a joy to feed him because mulut bagaikan gua. He will gobble everything up. Makan banyak. Minum susu sikit. 

He is also an early riser, pukul 6 lebih die akan cranky bangun nak susu and pukul 7 dah happy merangkak sana sini at his cot or the bed. He like his abang is now sleeping through the night after a 10 or 11 pm feeding. I am so relieved at this. I was so cranky when I was waking up every 2 hours for feeding time. 

Clingy yang amat. Whenever he saw me he will cried asking to be carried, but he is then happy to be doing his own stuff just as long as I am near. If I manage to get away unnotice to wash the dishes then he will continue happily, if he noticed i bergerak gi tempat lain, nanti die merangkak2 ikut sambil nangis2. Huhu.. 

Not yet walking but pandai berdiri. He had started to stand or pulled himself up and hang onto furnitures way earlier, I think around 7 months camtuh. Then it stopped a while when he was sick for a long time. Now he is practicing to stand again and he looks so delighted whenever he found out that he can stand without holding on to anything. My baby is gonna walk soon. 

Saif is gonna be 1 year old next month. Wow. How time flies. 



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