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Oh 2020.

 What a year. 

Random pic of Bobby at the vet 

Who would have thought I will ever see a global pandemic in my lifetime. Someone always mentioned this on twitter. " What a time to be alive"

Its weirdly privileged of me to start the post out like this because as you know many have lost their jobs, lost income, loved ones during this time. So ... actually I have no conclusion. We cannot know also whats in store in the future for us, therefore I am thankful that we are surviving somewhat unscathed this year and only hopes it get better for all of us soon.

Rounding up 2020 in a musing sorta way is not gonna be my style for this post. 

I will start in a random order the things of note of my 2020. These are the few things I picked up or had happened this year. 


I do not want to state the obvious. But this have to be said. 

Mask is now a fashion accessories ( while also keeping us safe. Also good god stop selling the lacey bra looking one) so does Washing hands, socially distancing, schools closing, online lessons, many hours of cooking, empty cities early this year are all what we had seen/faced these past months.



Taking up the violin again. Still playing badly. No matter. Though I think my playing is better than before.

Start to learn by myself the piano too. So far so good. 

Its been good for me so far in taking up music again. It soothes down the demons inside so to speaks.


In a year with no travel expected, we manage to go to Tioman twice. I love it both time. Also finally got to kayak again after quite a long time. 

Oh we also managed to go to Cameron Highlands which the kids super enjoyed the tea plantation, butterfly farm and strawberry pickings visit. Sharif didnt enjoy the ride up the winding mountain though as he puked thrice on the way. 

Hospital Stay

The youngest suddenly gotten feverish was admitted in August. At leas it was during the time when there was not much covid cases compared to now. Going to hospitals nowadays with more than 1k cases daily would be worrisomes. 

Raya in KL. 

Bobby terpaksa kena amik gamba raya

Because we were still in those strict MCO at the time , and no one was expected to travel out of state, we raya at our home. Well for us not at home la, we went to my sister house in turns. But its the first time we had done raya aidilfitri in KL and the cats dont have to endure boarding but spending their first raya at home with us!. 

I also manage to cook chicken curry for raya for my husband for his leamng eating. I cooked for raya (from scratch!) the first time evah!

Learning a new language via Duolingo. 

I talked about this before and I am still continuing my lessons in that app. My progress in Arabic is dismal though I think at least from zero knowledge I know some arabic. It is so hard to remember words in Arabic!

 But French lessons is going better than I expected, partly due to a lot of french words are part of the english language anyway. 

I can even understand some people tweets in French nowadays, if not fully but half of it. Its exciting! 


This year. Maybe due to boredom, I try to put on makeup. I don't do makeup before, but I got bored. This turns me towards using more skincare because your makeup does not look nice if your skin is not nice (unless you have awesome skills). I also realized how nicer my face will look if I put in eyeliner. But my eyeliner skill is really shaky. lelz. 

Anyway, because of that, I followed a few skincare influencer and manage to gain a few knowledge on basic skincare routine and whats needed to improve my skin. I was so excited to try out a few things I had amassed quite some products.

I also put some of the skincare products on my bedside table because if I don't put it there I won't be wearing it as often. I quite like this organizer that I am using to store my stuffs.  

As for the result of my interest in skincare now?  I think there's a marked improvement on my skin where it doesn't look quite as dry and listless as before. Had a few breakouts which annoys me, but I am trying to battle it through so to speaks. 

Lost weight!

Relatable even if not related

I almost forgot it but I did try to lose some weight this year and only after lockdown I manage to succeed. During that time I manage to shed around 8kgs! 

. I still have a long way to go because I am not that consistent and my weight somewhat plateau now to my annoyance.  But I am happier I can fit into some of my old clothes back. Let's hope I will continue to move more and tampers down my cravings so I can get to my ideal weight. 


Anyway I think thats that? Maybe there's more but I can't think more. But thats the gist of this year and a bit more I don't divulge. 

My next post will be on 2021! 



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