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Buy some and exchange some

My friend informed me there was MPH clearance sale going on at Balakong. Interest piqued because the books are priced from RM1 so my husband ok je bawak sefamili there.

I think people had been buying in bulks because there were barely any nice books there when I reached last Saturday afternoon.

Mainly lot of school workbooks and puzzles book priced at RM1. Story books around RM2-4 (still cheap) and some popular books at 80% off. Bolehlah. Stationery murah like files and gam also placed.

Some of the books bought .

Some of the kids haul. 

The kids bising there is no coloring books since they want some. We manage to find some after some digging but ade satu or dua je sesuai. 

Boleh la tu. 

Anyway yesterday also jalan2 di Linc saje nak tengok tempat orang have-have makan. 

It is a very instagram friendly place I guess, and penuh dengan tempat makan yang boleh makan once or twice a year je. 

The kids love the pretty place. 

Anyway jalan2 there found a little book where you can exchange a book. Which is basically exactly like it sounds. Exchange a book for a book.. 

Unfortch I didn't bring a book, but I still bring home one in the niat that I will put one next time I am there. I just really want to read this. Heh. Also it is not a book dump. Just people who wants to pass along some books and read some books. 

They got some pretty nice collection. 

I think I will perhaps will continue to haunt this nook (though the parking rate at Linc is scaring me). 



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