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Entri basi about the last pet fair

Busy ka?

Banyak ke nak update.

I had realized I didn't update about the Pet Fair last month. So short update. Went there and the layout is a bit different, but it is more spacious though.

Bought some stuffs for the cats.

Ape yek di beli. Oh collar , makanan, pet tags ( ade 2 tu pet tag bumper sticker, payung, ). Tak de la banyak sangat macam tahun lepas. Teringin nak beli pet bed, tapi malas la pulak, dah le mahal. Baik aku try beli kusyen daiso RM5 tu dulu tengok die orang nak tidur gak situ. Masing2 ade port masing2 suke tidur kat rumah, semua tempat tak sesuai letak kusyen or bed. 

This time punye pet fair got lots of foods stuffs. Sape yang nak intro new premium food for their cats ok la kan, tapi aku malas. Hehehe. Beli makanan tin je sebab murah, ( and they like it). Other, is mostly catered for dogs, and cats stuffs punye booth pun tak banyak. Hmm. Tahun depan camne la kan. 

Paling best sebab dapat buat pet tag. 

Muat letak nama and no phone. Kurap punye dah tertanggal sekarang, tapi tag tu ade lagi la, cuma tertanggal. Nanti nak kena beli loceng baru and pakaikan kat die. Rege die, buy 1 free 1. Rm20 = 1 pet tag + free 1. So dapat la 4. Yang keempat tu letak no phone je, backup pet tag. 

Pet tag ni yang paling kecik sekali I found la amongst the big2 one ( it seems the seller mostly target it to dog owners, so they didn't expect that a lot of cat owners wants for their cats too). Bobby punye paling lawa. Die la nampak paling hensem sekali pakai pet tag. 

Ade beli satu lagi pet tag, tapi tak pakaikan lagi kat die orang. Pet tag ni macam ade bar code and then boleh scankan kat phone bile pegi website yang ade tulis kat pet tag tu. So kalau kucing tu hilang ke, orang yg ade phone boleh call nombor hotline kat situ or pegi website situ and check details pet tu. Awesomekan. Rege pon awesome la RM45, besa sikit. Nanti la, bile kucing tu nak kena gi boarding ke baru pakai. 

Tu kotak pet tag tu yang just bawah dagu Kurap tu. Tak register lagi the cats in the website. Nanti la buat. Muehehe.  Test semua sekali kan.

Ok la. Mari tutup entri basi ni and I wish you all Selamat Ramadhan. Bulan puasa ni kurang mood sikit update blog. Busy pon. Will update more.



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