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Ini sepatutnyer entri lama

but I gotten busy.

So ya know that I went back to JB last weekend. Best y'all. Yang tak best, have a sudden hankering for chicken chop kat Jalan Dobi tapi memang kenot pegi la bulan pose as makanan berlambak-lambak time buka.

I thought that the food for berbuka on Saturday was immense, with the kueh mueh, sup and mi , murtabak and some other things I forgot. But on Sunday it surpasses all.

You see my mom masak sup and bubur aje petang tu. And I thought it would be just that y'all. Die pesan la to us to buy us some rojak. I couldn't find the rojak and bought pasembor and tauhu bakar thinking it would suffice. Bile balik aku macam menganga la tengok meja makan tu tak cukup space dah. Sempat pulak tu die masak mee bandung skali and roti john sardin (sebab paling cepat guna sardin je la). I sometimes think that my mom still think that her children is still in their teens when we used to menghabiskan 3 pinggan of nasi each every meal.

Sebelom berbuka sempat snap kejab using cameraphone, sebelom kena duk ulang alik rumah jiran exchange makanan

So there was sup, mi bandung, bubur which was by mother's hand. Roti john by my brother'shand. I bought pasembor and tauhu bakar (which is the two styrofoam above). My other brother and my husband bought a loads of karipap and some other kuehs. And pakcik aku beli sate and tetiba jiran sebelah merangkap sdara mara bagi spaghetti and nasi goreng and kek coklat (2 whole of tupperware worth of cake). And I think my aunt ade bagi nasi lemak also. Banyak la makanan yang not pictured above itu.

Ni sume ini untuk 5 orang makan di rumah. Tapi ni makanan punyer quantity macam boleh feed satu rumah anak yatim okeh.

In the end merasa hampir semua (dengan menfreeze and tapau tauhu bakar bawak balik KL because only I love those) kecuali spaghetti itu ( and I am currently thinking of those spaghetti fondly sambil terasa rugi tak makan. Haha).

This weekend kena kerja Sabtu, Ahad. T_T (Kena konon, padahal volunteer sebab nak dapat cuti extra). Tapi sebab tak pose aku nak bawak makanan gi opis. Yeay.

Later people. Nak gi melagha di dalam Borders.

p/s: Gamba ni tidak begitu jelas sangat so aku tak rase korang trasa lapar bila tengok.


taufiqshariff said…

FYI: there will be a school reunion bukak puasa today the 5th of Sept at Eden chulan square, and on the 12th at one utama for those who couldnt make it today.
Dils said…
thanks taufiq.

Kalo sempat bole la kut, today. Takut tak sempat nak make it from Midvalley.

Next week, I cant go unfortch.
luckily i am not a fan of the food in the pictar

so tak teliur

kalau letak daging masak merah and speghetti goreng boleh nangis kot?
Dils said…
Huhuhu... die kalo terliur tu kalo clear pictures, pastu siap makanan tu berasap-asap itu. Macam terbau-bau kononnyer
Kasapsky said…
Kak Dil.....Nak satey.....nyaman~ =P~
Dils said…
Merata-rata Malaysia ni orang jual satay. Pergi to the nearest stall. Hehehe.


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