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There are some things that are best forgotten.

Some are of course hard to forget. Some are just plain forgettable. For some ... you don't realize you ever had it until it hit you right on the face when a hint of a smell, a glimpse of where your tracks were or the sound of that dratted songs sent to you. These are the absolute worst as it will leave you dazed and reeling even after years down the line. It's like the cartoon characters that are being hit by an anvil while minding their own business.

I called this memory burst or snapshots of a memory since it only gave you that few seconds of remembrance but still painful nonetheless.

There's a reason I don't looked into Friendster that often nowadays. Its hurt to see people move on or people getting better. I am not that good of a person that can say " I am SOOO glad you are doing better than me". Its much more pleasant to just shut down the PC , sit down to read a book and eat doughnuts while flipping through the pages with jam streaked fingers. What I do not know cannot hurt me right?

p/s: Now I am not getting sappy. This can also include past so-called friends and of course non-friends. Guess I am getting snippy. No worries. Tomorrow is a holiday.

*do the dance of joy*



some people have been begging myspace to make that feature available there so you can block seeing certain people updates. especially exes or enemies

i am pretty "innert" to flashes of memories. i can put them aside a toilet bowl and flash em. yeah.. im kinda imhuman that way
haneejane said…
Hurt will build your strength dear.
Taqiyuddin said…
"i am pretty "innert" to flashes of memories. i can put them aside a toilet bowl and flash em. yeah.. im kinda imhuman that way" - obefiend

I always wonder about that whenever i see him. About how obe could cope with nostalgia. Heck i spent just a few extended semesters in the Univ and already i felt depressed. He could move to a totally new
univ and be at home in it with new faces and new cultures. awesome.
Anonymous said…

aku pon bukannya org yg dgn relahati n sukahati puji org len "I am SOOO glad you are doing better than me" apetah lg bila aku tau, i can do a lot more better than that..(another scorpio's characteristic maybe?)

but to the end, i guess, life is not all about dealing with choices and making decisions, but fate n luck plays a role in between..

so dear, live life & cherish ur love while u hv it all =)

/me join dila for *do the dance of joy*
Soraya Zainal said…

I really wish friendster/myspace can block us from seeing certain peoples update. Huhu.. I am the one who can remember everything to bits and it is damn hard to forget.

so, cara paling senang is just block your mind from thinking about it. tgk dgn pandangan kosong je.. tembus...

I have been slowly deleting a few people from my ym list and friendster list just to avoid seeing their updates.

Fadhil Luqman said…
I for one believe the logic of "what i don't know can't hurt me" is seriously flawed.

What if you didn't know there was a grand piano about to fall on your head?

I'm good.
Dils said…
I wonder why does the people who begged to make the feature to allow to not get updates from certain people didnt just delete them?

Probably like me yang malas nak byk cite. or a small part of me just like to know even tho it hurts.

Ah.. but pain is still pain.

Hehe. Did you find it hard staying on? I wonder if I would feel the same. I guess so.

mmg betul. Wat decision wise camne pon, sometimes luck needs to be by our side.

I still can't bring myself to delete them. At least letak in invi. bole? hehe

Hurmph. Sometimes oblivious is the way to go. Once I was almost 'patuk' by a magpie, but I was deliriously oblivious (sebab sronok gile sekolah dh abes) to it even though people around me are screaming while I kept on skipping on forward. If I knew, I would had stopped and bled.

There is an ounce of truth of every saying?


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