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I slept late last night. Common if you are feeling restless. Look at the post below.

Anyway, I dreamt. Common occurences. Yet, I dreamt that he was explaining or (soothing?). It felt so real for a moment. Well at first. Then the dream proceed about all the gift wrap thingies and letters thingies that he gave, and straight away I knew even when I was dreaming that it is a dream. It is just NOT his thing.

Oh, I do not kid myself that perhaps the dream will come true since after that I also dreamt of some cannibalistic vampires disguised as airport workers roaming around in an airport and I killed them all with some weird aluminium weapon.

Yet, after I woke up. I was feeling at peace again. I am not angry anymore. I felt like somehow that dream itself had done its magic or cure. Lucky guy. He wouldn't even have to do anything and let my subsconcious self do all the things.

Why I was angry? It do not matter anymore. Since me being me, of course would just let it go then. But I know .... somehow this wouldn't be the end of it. Because somehow between the both of us this is almost like a game. I can't put a name to it. He wouldn't think so. I know. He's the more sensible one. I am never sensible if I can help it. So, I am sorry. Now... I am almost making sense now isnt it?


Taqiyuddin said…
congratulations!!! you've just had a lucid dream.

but why did you go about and dream about killing them vampires?

hmmm... maybe it was the killing of those vampires is what shoothes you, not the explaining and soothing
Dils said…
probably yes..

maybe all those blood gushing out and stabbing and slaughtering soothe the inner beast...
SheeMa said…
beb...ur scaring me~! but now i know wut's in ur mind..hahaha..manyak pressure ke?
Dils said…

tuh lar.. blog = express

pressure keje , pressure sume
eL said…
dils, are you being too pressured at work or is this a matter of the heart that's making you stressed? do take good care of yourself, kay...
Dils said…
oh... Just a lil thing from every aspect el.

And hait,... will be under you.. lor nawaba-sensei? hahaha..
Anonymous said…
I was out searching for what dream mean related information, when I landed on your page. Blogger you have some good stuff there. While this post wasn't exactly what I was looking for I enjoyed the read Thanks. So I'll continue on looking for what dream mean, see you again some time.
Anonymous said…
Hi Blogger love your blog. I came across it while looking for lucid dream. I know this post is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for lucid dream stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care


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